Lammermoor Terrace, Tranent

Thank you for visiting Persimmon Homes' consultation website for our proposed development at Lammermoor Terrace, Tranent. We are inviting feedback on the initial proposals for a Residential development with associated engineering works and landscaping on land at Lammermoor Terrace Tranent.

There is strong demand locally for both new private and affordable housing and Persimmon propose to submit a planning application to East Lothian Council relative to the Lammermoor Terrrace site during Spring 2022.

At this stage, we would be grateful if you would review the proposed layout and provide any comments, questions or feedback to This will allow Persimmon to review the proposals with a better understanding of local knowledge and views. When the application is submitted it will also be accompanied by a report summarising what feedback was received during the consultation event and how it influenced the proposal submitted to East Lothian Council.

Persimmon will also be hosting a live online Q&A session on Thursday 13 January 2022 between 3pm - 7pm. You can participate in this event by visiting: on the day and following the link. Our Live Question and answer can be found by visiting the following link:

Please submit any additional feedback by 27th January 2022 (Please note this date has been extended from 20th January 2022).

*Comments made to this consultation are to Persimmon Homes Limited and not East Lothian Council. Formal representations can be made to the Council only after a planning application has been submitted and registered.