Collaborators and alumni

Aleksandra Krogulska Photo

dr Aleksandra Krogulska

Aleksandra worked with us as a Research Assistant between 2015-2017 on a National Science Centre-funded project investigating 'don't know' responding in memory tasks (2013/09/B/HS6/02642). She now works as an Assistant Professor in Psychology at the Jagiellonian University.

Aleksandra's main research interests are metamemory, self-regulated learning, and social influences on memory.

dr Karolina M. Lukasik

Karolina worked as a post-doc on the National Science Centre-founded project Whom to trust? Cognitive determinants of learning from others. Karolina's research interests also include psycholinguistics, working memory, and neural correlates of consciousness. When having some free time, Karolina enjoys traveling and writing fiction.