Lakewood Performing 

Arts Council

The Lakewood Performing Arts Council (LPAC) is the Lakewood High School music booster organization supporting instrumental music students. They provide financial assistance with instruments, instructors and clinicians, transportation, food, entry fees, music, etc.  This organization is very important part of the instrumental music department and is becoming increasingly important with each passing year as school budgets get smaller and smaller.

LPAC meets the first Wednesday of every month at 6pm. This meeting is open to all parents and students.  Meetings are an excellent way to keep in touch with what is happening regarding events, volunteer opportunities, and the operation of the organization.

The LPAC Board of Directors is elected to serve one-year terms. Their main purpose is to ensure the success of LPAC and maximize the opportunities for LHS instrumental music students. If you have questions regarding the instrumental program, volunteer opportunities, or LPAC feel free to contact anyone of the board members.


LPAC has many volunteer opportunities and we encourage any and all to participate. Please contact any of the officers to learn how to become more involved.


More volunteer hours are spent helping the marching band at Lakewood High School than with any other instrumental music activity. The marching band needs parents with expertise in the following areas:




Each year, the LPAC membership elects a board consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer to lead the music boosters at LHS. The board also consists of multiple members-at-large who serve in various capacties.