"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art...It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival."

-C.S. Lewis

Lakeview Martial Arts Way

  • In the age of turmoil, it's important that one maintains strength within one's self (mental and physical) so that one can cope with obstacles and difficulties in life.
  • Everything we do in our school is focused on teaching the various virtues of a martial arts, that include discipline, respect, honor, concentration, and competition.
  • The instruction at Lakeview Martial Arts academy is constantly directed toward the attainment of inner peace and tranquility within one self, to help us develop harmony and peace with our fellow man.
  • Master Sung Chung started learning in Korea at an age of five, training under the honored Grand Master Kim. Master Chung teaches that Tae Kwon Do is much more than kicking and punching, which anyone can teach, it's a Way of Life focusing on honor and respect.
  • There's an exciting world of traditional martial arts that's mostly undiscovered, it's filled with performance, competition, and higher self-learning.

Tae Kwon Do as Way of Life

  • Tae Kwon Do is a study of life. It's an action philosophy, originating in Korea and used for self-defense. Kicking and punching is a byproduct of learning the discipline of martial arts. It's a Korean art of self-defense and is translated as the way of the hand and foot.
  • The theory behind Tae Kwon Do is that the practitioner should be able to stop an attacker immediately with one strike to a vital area. The practitioner should be able to maintain his or her peace of mind by having confidence in one-self, without fear.
  • Tae Kwon Do develops three essential areas of human existence. Body: Develop good coordination, gain strength, increase flexibility, and improve cardiovascular conditioning. Mind: Build self-confidence, better judgement, and improved self-control. Spirit: Learn valuable philosophical tools and lessons offered by Tae Known Do philosophy, including:
      • Be honest, standing for justice, respect and honor yourself and others, and to be loyal and courteous.
      • Emphasizes good health, happiness, generosity, and a sense of value of freedom, justice, and peace.
  • Formation of outstanding character and is useful as a contemporary universal philosophy, Tae Twon Do is the most practical, beautiful, greatest martial art in the world incorporating body, mind, and spirit into one's life will build a strong, humble, gentle, and self-respecting life.

Why Study Taek Won Do

  • Although self-defense is usually the reason most people begin to study Tae Kwon Do, there are numerous other reason: physical fitness, wight control, confidence, self-respect, discipline, and tension and pressure relief.
  • No matter why a new students begins their journey, they soon discover the many additional benefits, both expected and unexpected. They begin to feel healthier and more physically fit, more confident in their daily life, including home, job, and school, and acquire a greater respect for themselves and for others.