Results 2023

Congratulations to all the successful competitors

Champion of Champion winner - Simon Young

Division Champions

101 yard Dons Moa Champion - Mike Edwards

Spot prize winners

Honey - donated by  "Hunt & Gather Bee Company"  - winner Mike Savage

Chocolate Box - donated by  "Jane Francis" - winner Kenny Otto

Faux Bow Pro - donated by  "Attitude Archery" - winner Brodie Bagster

Bow Case - donated by  "Attitude Archery" - winner Xaiver Carney

Archery Book - donated by  "Attitude Archey" - winner Jack Adams

Raffle Winners

Licorice Pack Raffle - supplied by "Lakeview Archers" - winner Barbara Carson

Bow Raffle - donated by  "Tony Denton" - winner Mike Lainchbury

Deer Hunt Raffle - supplied by "Lakeview Archers" - winner draw 1 - Eli Humphrey - winner draw 2 - Dan Ratcliffe