"Jazz music is the power of now. There is no script. It's conversation. The emotion is given to you by musicians as they make split-second decisions to fulfil what they feel the moment requires." - Wynton Marsalis

The Lake City Jazz Ensembles are extracurricular groups which meet during the zero hour before school. Our program includes 3 jazz ensembles.

Jazz Studio is our top-level jazz band. Students study and perform a variety of Jazz styles in addition to learning advanced jazz theory and pedagogy. Students in grades 9-12 who have prior jazz experience and are active members of the Senior Concert Band are eligible to join.

Jazz Lab is our beginning-level jazz band. Students study and perform a variety of Jazz styles in addition to learning the beginning elements of jazz theory.Students in grades 7-12 who are interested in jazz are eligible to join. No prior jazz experience necessary.
Jazz Elementary School is our beginning-level jazz band. Students study and perform a variety of Jazz styles in addition to learning the beginning elements of jazz theory. Elementary students who are interested in jazz are eligible to join. No prior jazz experience necessary.

Lake City Jazz Ambassadors is our community outreach jazz ensemble. This ensemble is composed of our advance student musicians. We perform for a variety of local community events. 

2019 Jazz Fest

Featured Artist: Lucia Sarmiento 

2018 Jazz Fest

Featured Artist: Mike Arturt

2017 Jazz Fest

Featured Artist: Natalie Cressman

2016 Jazz Fest

Featured Artist: Cindy Bradley

2015 Jazz Fest

Featured Artist: John Paulson