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Alexandre Bagdonas e Climério Paulo Silva Neto. O papel epistêmico da diversidade e as origens metafísicas da teoria do Big Bang: reflexões para a educação científica. Submitted to Ciênca & Educação, 2023.

Pereira, Letícia Dos Santos, and Olival Freire Jr. “WILHELM OSTWALD PARA ALÉM DO ANTIATOMISMO.” Quimica Nova 44, no. 2 (2021): 256–66.

Freire Junior, Olival . History of Science and Technology in 20th-Century Brazil, Oxford Research Encyclopedia: Latin American History, 2020.

Souza, Rafaelle da Silva, Indianara Lima Silva, and Elder Sales Teixeira. “Contextualização Histórica Dos Conceitos de Emaranhamento Quântico e Não-Localidade.” Revista Docência Do Ensino Superior 10 (July 13, 2020): 1–20.

Maia Filho, Angevaldo, and Silva, Indianara. A trajetória de Chien Shiung Wu e a sua contribuição à física. CADERNO BRASILEIRO DE ENSINO DE FÍSICA, v. 36, p. 135-157, 2019.  

Pereira, Letícia Dos Santos, and Olival Freire Jr. “A Nobel Prize for Energetics? Wilhelm Ostwald, Catalysis and Energeticism.” In Perspectives on Chemical Biography in the 21st Century, 115–22. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publisher, 2019.

Pereira, Letícia Dos Santos, Carolina Queiroz Santana, and Luís Felipe Silva da Paixão Brandão. “O Apagamento Da Contribuição Feminina e Negra Na Ciência: Reflexões Sobre a Trajetória de Alice Ball.” Cadernos de Gênero e Tecnologia 12, no. 40 (2019): 92. 

Silva Neto, Climério Paulo, and Alexei Kojevnikov. “Convergence in Cold War Physics: Coinventing the Maser in the Postwar Soviet Union.” Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 42, no. 4 (December 2, 2019): 375–99. 

Silva Neto, Climério Paulo da, and Olival Freire Jr. “Um Presente de Apolo: Lasers, História e Aplicações.” Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 39, no. 1 (2017): 1–10. doi:

Silva, Indianara. Uma nova luz sobre o conceito de fóton: Para além de imagens esquizofrênicas. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física (Online), v. 37, p. 4204-4204-11, 2015. 

Freire Jr., Olival, and Silva, Indianara. Diplomacia e ciência no contexto da Segunda Guerra Mundial: a viagem de Arthur Compton ao Brasil em 1941. Revista Brasileira de História (Online), v. 33, p. 181-201, 2014.  

 SILVA, Indianara, and FREIRE Jr., Olival. The Concept of the Photon in Question. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences (Print), v. 43, p. 453-491, 2013.

Silva Neto, Climério Paulo, and Olival Freire Jr. “Herch Moysés Nussenzveig e a Ótica Quântica: Consolidando Disciplinas Através de Escolas de Verão e Livros-Texto.” Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 35, no. 2 (2013): 2061.

Teixeira, Elder Sales, Ileana Maria Greca, and Olival Freire. “The History and Philosophy of Science in Physics Teaching: A Research Synthesis of Didactic Interventions.” Science and Education 21, no. 6 (2012): 771–96.


Materializing the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: Instruments and the First Bell Tests

Springer, 2023

Climério Paulo da Silva Neto

Integrates developments in the Soviet Union using primary and secondary sources in Russian

The first book to cover the development of the instrumentation that allowed to perform the first Bell tests

Offers a history of the instrumentation used to materialize early thought experiments

Part of the book series: SpringerBriefs in History of Science and Technology (BRIEFSHIST

Between Making and Knowing: Tools in the History of Materials Research

World Scientific, 2020.

Edited By: Joseph D Martin (Durham University, UK)  and Cyrus C M Mody (Maastricht University, The Netherlands)

This book offers a comprehensive sketch of the tools used in material research and the rich and diverse stories of how those tools came to be. We aim to give readers a sense of what tools materials researchers required in the late 20th century, and how those tools were developed and became accessible. The book is in a sense a collective biography of the components of what the philosopher of science, Ian Hacking, calls the "instrumentarium" of materials research. Readers should gain an appreciation of the work materials researchers put into developing and using such tools, and of the tremendous variety of such tools. They should also gain some insight into the material (and hence financial) prerequisites for materials research. Materials research requires funding for the availability and maintenance of its tools; and the category of tools encompasses a broad range of substances, apparatus, institutions, and infrastructure.

Chapter: CHAPTER 4.2: RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY by Indianara Silva

Perspectives on Chemical Biography in the 21st Century

Cambridge Scholars Publisher, 2019.

Editor(s): Isabel Malaquias, Peter J. T. Morris

Overlooked, even despised by historians of chemistry for many years, the genre of biography has enjoyed a revival since the beginning of this century. The key to its renaissance is the use of the biographical form to provide a contextual analysis of important themes in contrast to the uncritical, almost hagiographic, lives of chemists written in the earlier part of the twentieth century. Bringing together the contributions of scholars active in several different countries, Perspectives on Chemical Biography in the 21st Century leads the reader through emerging questions around sources, and the generic problems faced by authors of biographies, before moving on to discuss aspects more related with physical, theoretical and inorganic chemistry, and facets of 19th century chemistry. In contrast to the letters and diaries of earlier chemists, we are now faced with scientists who communicate by telephone and email, and compose their documents on computers. Are we facing a modern equivalent of the destruction of the Library of Alexandria where all our sources are wiped out electronically?

Chapter: Pereira, Letícia Dos Santos, Olival Freire Jr., and Arthur José Santos Mascarenhas. “A Nobel Prize for Energetics? Wilhelm Ostwald, Catalysis and Energeticism.” 

Cham: Springer , 2019

This authoritative biography addresses the life and work of the quantum physicist David Bohm. Although quantum physics is considered the soundest physical theory, its strange and paradoxical features have challenged - and continue to challenge - even the brightest thinkers. David Bohm dedicated his entire life to enhancing our understanding of quantum mysteries, in particular quantum nonlocality. His work took place at the height of the cultural/political upheaval in the 1950's, which led him to become the most notable American scientist to seek exile in the last century. The story of his life is as fascinating as his ideas on the quantum world are appealing.  

How Knowledge Moves:

University of Chicago Press , 2019

Knowledge matters, and states have a stake in managing its movement to protect a variety of local and national interests.  The view that knowledge circulates by itself in a flat world, unimpeded by national boundaries, is a myth. The transnational movement of knowledge is a social accomplishment, requiring negotiation, accommodation, and adaptation to the specificities of local contexts.  This volume of essays by historians of science and technology breaks the national framework in which histories are often written. Instead, How Knowledge Moves takes knowledge as its central object, with the goal of unraveling the relationships among people, ideas, and things that arise when they cross national borders.  


Adriana Minor, Chapter 8, Manuel Sandoval Vallarta: The Rise and Fall of a Transnational Actor at the Crossroad of World War II Science Mobilization.

Olival Freire Jr. and Indianara Silva, Chapter 10, Scientific Exchanges between the United States and Brazil in the Twentieth Century: Cultural Diplomacy and Transnational Movements.

Berlin: Springer, 2015

This book tells the fascinating story of the people and events behind the turbulent changes in attitudes to quantum theory in the second half of the 20th century. The huge success of quantum mechanics as a predictive theory has been accompanied, from the very beginning, by doubts and controversy about its foundations and interpretation. This book looks in detail at how research on foundations evolved after WWII, when it was revived, until the mid 1990s, when most of this research merged into the technological promise of quantum information. It is the story of the quantum dissidents, the scientists who brought this subject from the margins of physics into its mainstream. It is also a history of concepts, experiments, and techniques, and of the relationships between physics and the world at large, touching on themes such as the Cold War, McCarthyism, Zhdanovism, and the unrest of the late 1960s.

Clique no título do livro para mais informações.

Confira a tradução do primeiro capítulo de The Quantum Dissidents, publicada em:  Dissidentes e a segunda revolução quântica. Bahia ciência, n. 3, 2014.

João Pessoa: EDUEPB, 2011

Organizer: Olival Freire Jr., Osvaldo Pessoa Jr. e Bromberg, Joan Lisa.

A presente obra é uma coletânea de trabalhos que exploram aspectos da história dessa teoria cientifica, desde sua criação aos desenvolvimentos ulteriores, incluindo a controvérsia sobre os seus fundamentos e sobre suas implicações filosóficas e culturais. Discute também problemas relacionados à pesquisa sobre o ensino e a difusão cultural dessa teoria, bem como os usos, e abusos, que ai podem aparecer. 

1° lugar no Prêmio Jabuti 2011 na categoria: Ciências Exatas, Tecnologia e Informática.

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