At the Deli


Our cookbook

La Bella Molisana Cookbook-by Marianna Iuliano Schiavone

This cookbook is a combination of family recipes and traditional favorites from the region of Molise, Italy. Its stories and photos will give you a glimpse at the lives and towns of Molise, a world almost untouched by modern life.

Available on Amazon

Excerpt from La Bella Molisana Cookbook by Marianna Iuliano Schiavone

 "I remember waking up early on many Saturday mornings to the smell of

fresh sauce in the air. Thinking I was in a dream until I came to my senses, I

would find my mother in the kitchen frying meatballs for a huge pot of sauce. She would just look at me with a smile and say in Italian, " Hai sentuto l'odore" which meant "you couldn't resist the aroma". She was right. It was a great way to wake up in the morning. I love my mothers meatballs. Biting into one right after they were fried was the best way to eat them."

Painting "Cantalupo nel Sannio, Molise, Italy"

By Artist David Lewis

"La Borgata" Mosaic  By Artist David Lewis


Painting "The Map of Italy"  By Artist David Lewis


Pottery by Johnny Sotelo

Pottery by Johnny Sotelo

Pottery by Johnny Sotelo

Pottery by Johnny Sotelo

Painting by Stephanie Lombard of Bella Terra on Main

 Painting by Stephanie Lombard

Painting by Stephanie Lombard


Pottery by Johnny Sotelo

Artwork by Stephanie Lombard