Labor and Finance Conference
May 5, 2023
Columbia Business School, Kravis Hall, Room 620
9:00am. BREAKFAST (30 min)
9.25 – 9.30am. Welcome from Tania Babina
Session 1
9.30 – 11:00am. Chair Yuri Tserlukevich: “Shocks to Finance and Political Participation”
9:30am. Daniel Bias (with Alexander Ljungqvist) “Great Recession Babies: How Are Startups Shaped by Macro Conditions at Birth?”
10:15am. Spyridon Lagaras (with Margarita Tsoutsoura and Rodrigo Schneider) “Who Benefits from an Increase in Enfranchisement? Evidence from Brazil”
11:00am. COFFEE BREAK (30 min)
Session 2
11.30 – 1:00pm. Chair Chris Stanton: “Labor and Finance meets Household Finance”
11.30am. David Matsa (with Brian Melzer and Michal Zator) “Dual Credit Markets: Income Risk, Household Debt, and Consumption”
12.15pm. Chanik Jo “Unintended Benefits of Employment Protection: Households' Stock Market Participation”
1.00pm. LUNCH (1 hour)
Session 3
2:00 – 3:30pm. Elena Simintzi: “Finance and Gender”
2:00pm. Ramin Baghai (with Rui Silva and Margarida Soares) “Are women more exposed to firm shocks?”
2:45pm. Alan Benson (with Danielle Li and Kelly Shue) “Potential and the Gender Promotion Gap”
3:30pm. COFFEE BREAK (30 min)
Session 4
4:00 – 5:00pm. Xavier Giroud: PhD student session
4:00pm. Allison Cole “Worker Valuation of Retirement Benefits”
4.20pm. Clemens Mueller “Non-compete agreements and labor allocation across product markets”
4.40pm. Shuang Chen “Green Investors and Green Transition Efforts: Talk the Talk or Walk the Walk?”
5:00pm. BREAK (30 min)
5.30pm. Panel. Moderator: Tania Babina, and industry guests: Allison Rosengard, Christine Hendrickson, Deb Ghosh
One hour panel with industry professionals to talk about major challenges firms face in managing labor related issues: compensation, technology, retraining, retaining, etc.
Dinner at Bylander, Hudson River Greenway, New York, NY 10027