
! Recent research still under construction !

CT slices interpolation using Deep Learning

In our model, the generator takes the input CT images as references, and it produces a certain number of high-resolution and semantic smooth interpolations. The interpolation coefficient determines the numbers of interpolations will be generated. Besides, two discriminators are applied to regularized the generator and make it learn the latent distribution of dataset.

Contact: Jiawei

Pattern Classification of DTI-CSM:

A Machine/Deep Learning-Based Approach

We are currently working on pattern classification of DTI-CSM using a machine/deep learning-based approach. Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) in one simple sentence can be introduced as the imaging modality of choice for microstructure visualization. Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy (CSM) is a degenerative spinal cord disorder in the cervical region (neck). It is the most serious complication of cervical spondylosis and the most common cause of spinal dysfunction especially in patients older than 55 years old. Our research aims to construct a bridge between these two, by proposing a reliable and promising machine/deep learning-based multi-classification method to categorize DT images of patients with/without CSM, by utilizing diffusion tensor scalar parameters and other useful and or accessible features. This will significantly expand the ability of spine surgeons and radiologists to discriminate the degree of spinal cord damage severity, which would have a direct influence on how the surgeon decides about the patient’s treatment type.

Contact: Maryam

Hair: Image-based 3D Hair Model Reconstruction Using Deep Learning

Visual details of digital humans in games, VR/AR applications, and films are becoming significantly more demanding. Hair, as a vital component of the human’s appearance, plays an important role in producing digital characters. However, the generation of realistic hairstyles usually needs professional digital artists and complex hardware, and the procedure is often time-consuming. Thus, accurate capture of real-world hairstyles can greatly benefit the production pipeline.

Our research topic is image-based 3D hair model reconstruction using deep learning. It can be divided into two parts: 2D hair analysis and 3D hair strand reconstruction. 2D hair analysis includes 2D hair strand extraction, 2D hair segmentation, hairstyle pattern recognition, and braid structure analysis. The 3D hair strand reconstruction system aims to reconstruct physically-plausible hair models of both unconstrained and constrained hairstyles from a hair image.

Contact: Chao Sun

Haptic Game and Fluid

3D Body Modelling out of a Single Photograph

3D Skin

Facial Resolution Augmentation in 3D

Facial Mesh using 3D Skin

Simulation of Aging and Rejuvenation

using 3-D Skin

Exaggeration of very High Resolution 3-D Mesh

Facial Expression Synthesis and

Analysis-MPEG-4 Feature Points

controllable high quality facial animation

Capture and Face Expression

Control Based on Expression Bank

Facial Motion Feature Tracking

and Emotion Recognition

Piano Pedagogy (in collaboration with Piano Pedagogy Research Lab)

Medical applications: Construction of bones,

Virtual therapist (collaboration in MIRALab)

Catheter Reconstruction from very

nearby views (white curves-ground truth,

gray curves -reconstructed ones)