

VisminerTD is a tool that aims to support the activities of identification and monitoring of TD using software visualization resources. VisminerTD implements a new TD identification strategy by combining information extracted from software metrics and source code comments, monitoring the evolution of TD items through different versions of the software.

VisminerTD is an open source web tool that has multiple visual perspectives and different visual strategies of analysis to support development teams in activities of identifying and monitoring the evolution of TD items. VisminerTD runs on top of RepositoryMiner (RM). The RM is responsible for extraction of metrics and comments from source code repositories.

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RepositoryMiner (RM), is free software built using Java and MongoDB technologies. The main objective of RM is to perform the analysis of software repositories, collecting and combining various data related to their evolution. It allows the extraction and processing of relevant information to support understanding of the software from different perspectives.

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