Advice from LA to LA

Remember that you are their peers, make sure to make them feel comfortable to talk to you and come to you with any concerns they have about their learning.

Be confident in your abilities and knowledge

Additionally, admitting when you don't know something is really important. You're better off being honest. If you give students an answer that isn't correct, or not completely accurate, then you'll lose their trust and can make teaching them future material challenging. It's ok to be wrong.

DON'T just give students the answer, make sure you question them and probe them in the right direction so that they can reach the answer on their own.

Make sure you are patient and are able to understand that others may learn differently from you and that there might be situations where you have to alter your teaching style a little bit.

Have fun and really enjoy the experience.

Make a really big effort to get to know your students as well as have the students get to know each other.

Not all of your students are going to like you, so don't be upset or disappointed when they are not your friend.

You are the bridge between students and teachers, be sure to portray yourself as just another student and the students will be willing to ask you questions that they would be afraid to ask a teacher!

Approach the experience as a chance to learn a lot, as well as a chance to help others learn.

Take the education (pedagogy) course seriously, and use it as a way to reflect about how to improve teaching skills.

Be prepared, be passionate, be kind.

The LA's job is not to teach, but to help students learn by challenging them in how they approach the material, asking questions, and pointing them in the right direction when they are stuck.