Annual workshop  "Ising Lectures" (Ukraine)

The Workshop is being organized since 1997. First its principal goal was to serve as a seminar on physics of phase transitions and critical phenomena. The seminar aimed in promoting and deepening studies of critical phenomena as well as in exchanging information between scholars working in this field. Gradually, the principal scope of the Workshop turned into a more general context of complex systems, i.e. systems composed of many interacting parts which display collective behavior that does not follow trivially from the behaviors of the individual parts. The level of presentation and its interdisciplinarity allows for participation of physics students and academics working in different areas. Both review lectures as well as reports on original work (in English or in Ukrainian) are welcome.

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CompPhys Workshop Leipzig (Germany)

Workshop on New Developments in Computational Physics covers simulational studies in general statistical, condensed matter, soft matter and polymer physics, including biological applications, as well as in high-energy physics. The idea of the Workshop is to provide a forum for an informal exchange of ideas (talks will be on Tue/Wed, 19/20 Dec, and collaboration meetings on Thu, 21 Dec) and to meet in Leipzig in a relaxed atmosphere around Christmas time.


Annual workshop SPLDS in Pont-à-Mousson (France)

The annual conference « STATISTICAL PHYSICS AND LOW DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS » organized by the LPCT is the continuation of the meeting that was originally initiated by the Groupe de Physique Statistique of Nancy in 2005. The goal of the meeting is to gather theoretical physicists with interest in quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, biophysics and with a special focus on non-equilibrium properties. This new edition will cover aspects of biophysics, topological condensed matter, and one-dimensional quantum systems. The conference will be held from may 11 to 13 in the charming XVIII century Abbaye des Prémontrés on the border of the river Moselle in Pont-à-Mousson, nearby Nancy.
