Call for papers

We are calling for proposals for the L2 Pronunciation Research Workshop that will take place at the University of Barcelona in June 6-7, 2019. Submissions are invited for individual papers and posters (together with flash presentations).

  • Individual papers. 20 minutes for presentation + 10 minutes for questions and discussion and changing presenters.
  • Posters. Poster presenters will be asked to prepare a 1-minute flash oral presentation to be delivered to the workshop attendants immediately before the poster session.

Submission instructions

A submission should include:

-A title

-An abstract (300 words maximum, excluding figures and references)

Please send your abstract in two formats: Word document and PDF file. In the Word document, please include the author(s)’s name(s), affiliation and corresponding email address. The PDF document should include only the title and the abstract.

Label the documents as follows: l2prw2019_Surname or l2prw2019_Surname_Surname (include the first two surnames if there are two or more authors). Personal information will be removed by the workshop organizers before documents are distributed to abstract reviewers.

Send it to (notice, l2 = lowercase letter l and 2, not the number 12)

Important dates:

  • 15/03/2019 call for papers closes
  • 30/03/2019 notification of acceptance