
Research Project 

To develop effective instructional strategies for how to approach MT in the language classroom, we conducted a computer-tracking study in 2020. Below is a brief sketch of the parameters of the research study. For additional details, check out the academic publications on the project available in the Additional Resources tab.  


Participants completed a short writing task (What is your favorite city?) on their computer while their screen was recorded


74 university-level learners of French, Spanish, and Mandarin from advanced-beginner language courses

Data Collection

Data collected included screen recordings of the writing task completion, retrospective recalls, and a post-interview

Data Analysis

Data were analyzed quantitatively (e.g., frequency of tool use) and qualitatively (e.g., themes in actions and thinking).


Our project on how university-level second language learners use MT has revealed a lot. Below are some big themes in our findings. Click on each for more information. 

For more detailed analyses, check out the Additional Resources tab for academic publications we’ve authored on our research.

What tools students used and why

What students put into MT tools

What students did with the output of MT tools