In writing The Empire Strikes Back, Lucas initially decided that Lando Calrissian was a clone and came from a planet of clones which caused the "Clone Wars" mentioned by Obi-Wan Kenobi in A New Hope;[21][22] he later came up with an alternate concept of an army of clone shocktroopers from a remote planet which were used by the Republic as an army in the war that followed.[23]

Minority report was made the same year (?) as Star Wars episode 2. So is attack of the clones directly ripping off parts of what made one of other the big films of the year or vice versa? Or were that music, conveyor belts and the noise of Zam's speeder just popular with audiences at the time?

L 39;attaque Des Clones Download

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S'inspirant de nombreux films amricains, L'Attaque des clones reoit un accueil critique plus favorable que La Menace fantme et est un succs au box-office. Le film est nomm pour un Oscar du cinma, remporte deux Saturn Awards mais galement deux Razzie Awards.

Le 28 septembre 2010, Lucasfilm annonce que les six films de la srie Star Wars seront convertis en trois dimensions. Les films devaient ainsi tre prsentsĀ  nouveau dans les salles de cinma dans l'ordre chronologique de la saga[62]. Le film La Menace fantme ressort donc le premier au cinma en fvrier 2012[62]. Et ce sera finalement le seulĀ  tre prsent au grand public. Les rditions 3D de L'Attaque des clones et La Revanche des Sith sont reportes aprs le rachat de Lucasfilm par The Walt Disney Company en octobre 2012. La raison invoque est la mise en chantier du septime pisode de la saga[63]. L'Attaque des clones tait initialement prvu pour tre ressorti en 3D le 20 septembre 2013 aux tats-Unis[64]. Le film est toutefois bien reconverti pour la 3D, et est ainsi projet lors de la convention Star Wars Celebration Europe II qui se droule du 26 au 28 juillet 2013Ā  Essen en Allemagne[65] puis lors de la convention Star Wars Celebration VII qui se droule du 16 au 19 avril 2015Ā  Anaheim, en Californie[66].

Comme les prcdents films Star Wars, L'Attaque des clones fait plusieurs fois rfrences aux prcdents films de George Lucas. Le film s'inspire galement de diffrents films amricains mais aussi de plusieurs vnements politiques.

Beaucoup de produits drivs sont crs pour accompagner la sortie du film. Il y a notamment le jeu vido Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter, cent quatre-vingt cartes d'un jeu de cartesĀ  collectionner dits par Wizards of the Coast[88], la mise en roman junior par Patricia C. Wrede, le roman Apprenti mercenaire qui reprend l'intrigue du film vu par les yeux du jeune Boba Fett, la bande dessine pisode II - L'Attaque des clones, un Monopoly, une gamme de Lego, des tapis de souris, des coques de tlphones mobiles Nokia, costumes[89] et un jeu de socit Ravensburger[90].

It is not what's there on the screen that disappoints me, but what's not there. It is easy to hail the imaginative computer images that George Lucas brings to "Star Wars: Episode II--Attack of the Clones." To marvel at his strange new aliens and towering cities and sights such as thousands of clones all marching in perfect ranks into a huge spaceship. To see the beginnings of the dark side in young Anakin Skywalker. All of those experiences are there to be cheered by fans of the "Star Wars" series, and for them this movie will affirm their faith.

In the classic movie adventures that inspired "Star Wars," dialogue was often colorful, energetic, witty and memorable. The dialogue in "Episode II" exists primarily to advance the plot, provide necessary information, and give a little screen time to continuing characters who are back for a new episode. The only characters in this stretch of the film who have inimitable personal styles are the beloved Yoda and the hated Jar-Jar Binks, whose idiosyncrasies turned off audiences for "Phantom Menace." Yes, Jar-Jar's accent may be odd and his mannerisms irritating, but at least he's a unique individual and not a bland cipher. The other characters--Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Anakin Skywalker--seem so strangely stiff and formal in their speech that an unwary viewer might be excused for thinking they were the clones, soon to be exposed.

When it comes to the computer-generated images, I feel that I cannot entirely trust the screening experience I had. I could see that in conception many of these sequences were thrilling and inventive. I liked the planet of rain, and the vast coliseum in which the heroes battle strange alien beasts, and the towering Senate chamber, and the secret factory where clones were being manufactured.

Budget gear manufacturer Behringer has been both criticized and lauded for its decision to clone several classic synthesizers. The practice is legal, but is it right? Oli Warwick investigates the murky world of synth clones.

I love AotC, from its bizarre politics, to its repeated use of clones to symbolize the various aspects of different characters (how many Padmes are killed in this movie? Does Obi-Want want to turn Anaikin into a clone of himself? Why does Jango want to raise a son, rather than simply being content with cloning himself?), and even for its respecting its audience enough not to spell things out blatantly, and let certain aspects come out on their own.

Heavy sci-fi violence, although none of it is especially gory or detailed. The film opens with a terrorist attack/explosion in which a minor character dies on screen. One character is killed by beheading (no gore) on screen; another has his hand amputated during a sword duel. There are action sequences throughout, but the major violence takes place in the film's finale, a massive battle between human clones and robot drones that's depicted both in close-up vignettes and widescreen shots of many skirmishes at once. Perhaps the most intense sequence involves a lead character becoming consumed by rage and murdering the alien creatures who killed his mother.

Sous la pression de Lucas, Sony s'est associ avec Panavision pour inventer une nouvelle camra qui consigne ses images sur des cassettes d'un format un peu plus petit que le VHS. Le travail de conception s'est tendu au matriel de postproduction, notamment les logiciels chargs de recrer le rendu des films d'antan. Seule l'tape ultime de la ralisation de L'Attaque des clones aura t traditionnelle, aprs transfert, grceĀ  une imprimante laser, des images acheves sur pellicule.

Sans doute les fans de la trilogieĀ  Star WarsĀ  en arriverontĀ  cette conclusion au terme d'une douloureuse thrapie de groupe : on nous a cass notre jouet. Que sont devenus les Han Solo et autres Luke Skywalker, personnages auxquels les enfants que nous tions s'identifiaientĀ  coups de sabres lasers bricols par des parents compatissants ? Des figurines en plastique gardes jalousement par de vieux ftichistes ?Ā  L'Attaque des clones , s'il est dprimant, reste toutefois d'un niveau suprieur au prcdent pisode,Ā  La Menace fantme . Demeure la puissance vocatrice. L'enfance retrouve. S.M. 2351a5e196

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