In the previous post, KubeVirt user interface options were described and showed some features, pros and cons of using OKD console to manage our KubeVirt deployment. This blog post will focus on installing and running the OKD web console in a Kubernetes cluster so that it can leverage the deep integrations between KubeVirt and the OKD web console.

Executing the web console as a binary. This installation method is the only one described in the OKD web console repository. Personally, looks like more targetted at developers who want to quickly iterate over the development process while hacking in the web console. This development approach is described in the native Kubernetes section of the OpenShift console code repository.

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Executing the web console as another pod. The idea is leveraging the containerized version available as origin-console in the OpenShift container image repository and execute it inside a Kubernetes cluster as a regular application, e.g. as a pod.

The OKD web console is a user interface accessible from a web browser. Developers can use the web console to visualize, browse, and manage the contents of namespaces. It is also referred as a more friendly kubectl in the form of a single page web application. It integrates with other services like monitoring, chargeback and the Operator Lifecycle Manager or OLM. Some things that go on behind the scenes include:

When the web console is accessed from a browser, it first loads all required static assets. Then makes requests to the Kubernetes API using the values defined as environment variables in the host where the console is running. Actually, there is a script called that helps exporting the proper values for these environment variables.

Unlike what is explained in the official repository, OKD actually executes the OKD web console in a pod. Therefore, even not officially mentioned, information how to run the OKD web console as a pod in a native Kubernetes cluster will be described later.

In this section the OKD web console will be compiled from the source code and executed as a binary artifact in a CentOS 8 server which does not belong to any Kubernetes cluster. The following diagram shows the relationship between all the components: user, OKD web console and Kubernetes cluster.

Note that it is possible to run the OKD web console in a Kubernetes master, in a regular node or, as shown, in a server outside the cluster. In the latter case, the external server must have access to the master API. Notice also that it can be configured with different security and network settings or even different hardware resources.

At this point, the connection to the OKD web console from your network should be established successfully. Note that by default there is no authentication required to login into the console and the connection is using HTTP protocol. There are variables in the file that can change this default behaviour.

Only once HCO is completely deployed, VirtualMachines can be managed from the web console. This is because the web console is shipped with an specific plugin that detects a KubeVirt installation by the presence of KubeVirt Custom Resource Definition (CRDs) in the cluster. Once detected, it automatically shows a new option under the Workload left pane menu to manage KubeVirt resources.

The OKD web console actually runs as a pod in OKD along with its deployment, services and all objects needed to run properly. The idea is to take advantage of the containerized OKD web console available and execute it in one of the nodes of a native Kubernetes cluster.

In order to configure the deployment of the OKD web console the proper Kubernetes objects have to be created. As shown in the previously Compiling OKD web console there are quite a few environment variables that needs to be set. When dealing with Kubernetes objects these variables should be included in the deployment object.

Finally, the downloaded YAML file must be modified assigning the proper values to the token section. The following command may help to extract the token name from the user console, which is a user created by

The upgrade process is really straightforward. All available image versions of the OpenShift console can be consulted in the official OpenShift container image repository. Then, the deployment object must be modified accordingly to run the desired version of the OKD web console.

In this case, the we console will be updated to the newest version, which is 4.5.0/4.5. Note that this is not linked with the latest tag, actually latest tag is the same as version 4.4. Upgrading process only involves updating the image value to the desired container image: and save.

In this post two ways to install the OKD web console to manage a KubeVirt deployment in a native Kubernetes cluster have been explored. Running the OKD web console will allow you to create, manage and delete virtual machines running in a native cluster from a friendly user interface. Also you will be able to delegate to the developers or other users the creation and maintenance of their virtual machines without having a deep knowledge of Kubernetes.

Personally, I would like to see more user interfaces to manage and configure KubeVirt deployments and their virtual machines. In a previous post, KubeVirt user interface options, some options were explored, however only OKD web console was found to be deeply integrated with KubeVirt.

When trying to go to the OpenShift console on a remote machine with http://:8443/console it redirects you to happens if you have already completed one install without setting the public host. The easiest way to fix this is by following these steps. is the plugin's unique identifier. It should be the same as metadata.nameof the corresponding ConsolePlugin resource used to represent the plugin on the cluster.Therefore, it must be a validDNS subdomain name.

Dynamic plugins can expose modules representing additional code to be referenced, loaded and executedat runtime. A separate webpack chunk is generated foreach entry in consolePlugin.exposedModules object. Exposed modules are resolved relative to plugin'swebpack context option.

The @console/pluginAPI dependency is optional and refers to Console versions this dynamic plugin iscompatible with. The consolePlugin.dependencies object may also refer to other dynamic plugins thatare required for this dynamic plugin to work correctly. For dependencies whose versions may includea semver pre-release identifier, adapt your semver range constraintto include the relevant pre-release prefix, e.g. use when targeting pre-release versionslike

The $codeRef value should be formatted as either moduleName.exportName (referring to a named export)or moduleName (referring to the default export). Only the plugin's exposed modules (i.e. the keys ofconsolePlugin.exposedModules object) may be used in code references.

Your plugin should start loading automatically upon Console application startup. Inspect the value ofwindow.SERVER_FLAGS.consolePlugins to see the list of plugins which Console loads upon its startup.

Openshift has components related to monitoring, logging, and observability built right into the product. All of these are either ingrained into the web console or can easily be configured through an operator.

As I mentioned previously, the Openshift web console has visualizations already built-in which will allow the operator to see realtime operational data related to the OCP cluster, the nodes that are the foundation of the cluster, and the applications/workloads that run on the cluster.

When clicking the Insights link, you are taken to Red Hat's cloud console ( which collects telemetry data (only collected if you wish) on the cluster. This telemetry data makes the product better and also helps direct users to troubleshooting articles.

For example, one of the issues encountered on this cluster is due to the fact that Prometheus is storing log data in an EmptyDir volume which won't persist when the pod is restarted or recreated. Here are the steps that show-up in the cloud console to describe this problem in more detail and show troubleshooting steps.

The primary tab (Alerts) that is displayed will show any alerts that are currently firing (Source: Platform and Alert State: Firing). This is some of the same information that showed on the main overview screen on the web console.

In regards to the three commands listed above (oc rsh/logs/debug), these can all be run from within the Openshift web console. Here is an example of how the terminal/rsh and logs can be viewed from the console.

Context switching is a true drag on productivity, and it slows down the pace at which platform engineers/administrators can operate their infrastructure and application stacks. Portworx has built an OpenShift Dynamic console plugin that enables single-pane-of-glass management of storage resources running on Red Hat OpenShift clusters. This allows platform administrators to use the OpenShift web console to manage not just their applications and their OpenShift cluster, but also their Portworx installation and their stateful applications running on OpenShift.

In this blog, we will talk about how users can leverage the OpenShift Dynamic plugin from Portworx to monitor different storage resources running on their OpenShift clusters. The Portworx plugin can be enabled by simply installing (greenfield) or upgrading (brownfield) the Portworx Operator to 23.5.0 or higher release on OpenShift 4.12 clusters. Once the Portworx Operator is installed, the plugin can be easily enabled by selecting a radio button from the OpenShift web console.

Once the plugin is enabled, the Portworx Operator will automatically install the plugin pods in the same OpenShift project as the Portworx storage cluster. Once the pods are up and running, administrators will see a message in the OpenShift web console to refresh their browser window for the Portworx tabs to show up in the UI. 2351a5e196

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