
Teaching Materials


Linear Regression (Do file: Intro to STATA and OLS, Exercise with CPS)

Discrete Choice Model (Do file: Logit and Probit, Multinomial Logit)

Count Data Model (Do file: Poisson and Negative Binomial)

Introduction to Panel Data Analysis (Do file: Diff-in-Diff, FD and FE, FE and RE)

Courses at George Mason University


POGO 511: Introduction to Data Analysis  (with John S. Earle), Fall 2022

POGO 511: Introduction to Data Analysis  (with John S. Earle), Fall 2021

POGO 511: Introduction to Data Analysis  (with John S. Earle), Fall 2020

POGO 511: Introduction to Data Analysis  (with John S. Earle), Fall 2019

PUBP 555: Math Camp (with Aaron Stuvland and Abraham Song), Spring 2018

PUBP 555: Math Camp (with Keith Waters and Austin Hofeman), Fall 2017 

PUBP 555: Math Camp (with Aaron Stuvland and Keith Waters), Spring 2017 

Teaching Assistant 

PUBP 792: Advanced Economic Analysis Policy Research (by Professor. John Earle), Fall 2017

PUBP 801: Research Design for Public Policy (by Professor. Sita Slavov), Fall 2016

PUBP 732: Labor Markets and Policies (by Professor. John Earle), Fall 2015

- Guest Lecture: Economics of Mandated Benefits

PUBP 804: Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Public Policy (by Professor. Laurie Schintler), Spring 2015 

- Guest Lecture: Panel Data Analysis

- Stata Sessions: OLS, Logit/Probit/Multinomial Logit, Poisson/Negative Binomial, DinD/FE/RE

PUBP 741: U.S. Financial Policy, Processes, and Procedures (by Professor. Sita Slavov), Fall 2014

- Guest Lecture: Health Care

PUBP 720: Managerial Economics and Policy Analysis (by Professor. John Earle), Spring 2013


Regression Analysis with STATA at The Association of Public Policy PhD Students (APPS), May 30, 2015