Board of Directors

Interested in taking on a leadership role with the KY Prevention Network?  We are currently recruiting new board members.  If you are interested,  click the below link and complete the Board Application form.

Executive Committee

Chair - Sarah Paige Wood - Owen County Drug Free Communities Grant Project Coordinator

Vice Chair - Chris Sparks, CPS - Pennyroyal Center

Treasurer -Amy Jeffers, MA, CPS Prevention Director - Pathways RPC

Secretary - Melissa Newton - Division of Family Resource and Youth Services Centers

Members at Large

Cindy Kerns - Bath County FRYSC Coordinator

Katie Gross - New Vista

Stacy Usher - Wolfe Countians Against Drugs

Christi Jefferds - Northern KY Institute for Strategic Prevention

Marisa J. Hunter - Mountain Regional Prevention Center

Cynthia Bohon - Operation UNITE

Saylor Aylmer - Spencer County Public Schools - Drug Free Communities Director

Bruce Crouch - Kentucky Emergency Management

Special Advisor

Paula Brown - Department for Behavioral Health, Cabinet for Health and Family Services

By Laws


Kentucky Prevention Network, INC.

Hereinafter referred to as KPN

November 2, 2023


 Kentucky Prevention Network envisions a state that values prevention professionals and prevention science in order to create a healthier Kentucky.  The Board of

Directors, hereinafter known as “The Board”  shall consist of not less than 8 and not more than 15 members.  A quorum is required to conduct official business.  A quorum is defined as 50% plus 1 of the members of the Board.


Qualification and Duties of Executive Committee

Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected from among the Board of Directors.  The Executive Committee is made up of a Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary. 


Section 1:  Chair:  The chair shall conduct all meetings; meet with the secretary prior to meetings to establish the agenda; assure a quorum is present before proceeding with meetings; call business in proper sequence and allow committees  that have reports to give them; maintain proper steps in making, debating and voting on motions; adjourn the meeting; make decisions and recommendations of the corporation in all legal matters; be responsible for upholding by-laws and rules of the organization.

Section 2:  Vice Chair:  The Vice Chair shall have such duties as the Chair may prescribe or as the Chair may delegate.  They shall temporarily act in place of the Chair in the event of the Chair’s absence or inability to act.

Section 3:  Secretary:  The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the minutes of all official meetings and shall forward to the Coordinator for distribution to the membership of the Board of Directors.  The Secretary shall meet with the Chair to prepare meeting agendas.

Section 4:  Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping all accurate itemized accounts of all receipts in a banking institution authorized by the Board of Directors.  They will be responsible to meet with the coordinator to organize and submit an annual budget and in coordination with the Coordinator, organize an independent audit of the financial statement of the operation as directed by the Board.  The Treasurer shall provide monthly Treasurer reports at each Board of Directors meeting.

Elections and Vacancies

Section 1: Board of Directors

Section 2: Executive Committee

Section 3: The Coordinator of KPN shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and shall be responsible for the general oversight and day to day workings of KPN.



Section 1: The following committees shall be maintained:  training committee; nominating committee.

Section 2: All records from all committee work shall be forwarded to the Coordinator who will be the custodian of records.

Section 3: Special committees may be created and appointed by the Board of Directors as needed.



Section 1:  All cash receipts shall be deposited in an established financial institution and all disbursements shall be in accordance with board policy.

Section 2:  All expenditures, other than operating items, shall be authorized by the Board of Directors.  Routine operating items shall be delineated and made available to the Coordinator.

Section 3:  All salaries and compensations for services shall be set by the Board of Directors.  This shall be reviewed annually.

Section 4: Per the approved budget, the Coordinator may financially obligate KPN for an amount not to exceed $500.00.  This amount must be reflected by written documentation that contains the date, payor and the purpose for the expenditure.  The Coordinator may recommend to the Board of Directors, with the consent of the Chair or Vice Chair a financial obligation of KPN, for an amount not to exceed $1200.00.  This amount must be reflected by written documentation that contains the date, payor and the purpose of the expenditure.  Expenditures greater than $1200.00 shall require a written request and/or resolution adopted by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.



Section 1:  Ownership and Usage:  all property of the KPN shall be irrevocably dedicated to prevention education and networking and shall be held in the corporate name.  This corporation is a non-profit corporation organized and operated exclusively for education and networking purposes, which qualifies for exemption from federal income tax under the provision of Section 501c(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  The purchase, sale, lease, mortgage or alienation of said real property shall be transacted according to the By-Laws of the corporation.

Section 2:  Dissolution:  In the event of the dissolution of this corporation, its Coordinator and Secretary are authorized and instructed to convey title to all its property and assets for a non-profit corporation, organized exclusively for prevention education and networking purposes, which qualified for exemption from federal income tax under the provision of Section 501c (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  The convening of this property shall be done in the following order: (1) Another corporation with similar purposes, or (2) the last resort would be to the County in which the office exists to fulfill legal requirements only.  Certification of such dissolution shall be made by the Secretary when authorized by the Board of Directors.


Access to Services

KPN provides services and encourages participation in the Network of all persons without regard to age, gender, sex, religion, race, creed or national origin.



Amendments to these By-Laws may be made at any regular meeting of the Board of Directors or any special meeting called for that purpose.  A two-thirds (⅔) vote of all members present and voting shall be necessary for adoption of amendments.

Approved this 29th Day of February, 2024 , as the Official By-Laws of the Kentucky Prevention Network, Inc.

___Sarah Paige Wood________________________


___Chris Sparke_____________________________________


____Diana O’Toole___________________________________


____Melissa Newton__________________________________


____Amy Jeffers______________________________________
