Press Room

The following are articles and other multimedia where KyEdRPG is referenced.

"The Game Master Librarian"

Two part webinar series, led by Adam Watson, May 8 and May 31, 2024.  Partnership of Indiana State Library with the American LIbrary Association (GameRT).   Part One is archived on YouTube here (64 min). 

Growth Over Grades, podcast, 2/29/24, 41 minutes.  (The link above is to the Spotify audio version of the podcast; the YouTube version is embedded to the left.)

Featuring teacher Chad Collins as the guest, who discusses KyEdRPG and the game design behind his own class.  Modern Classroom Project podcast, 2/18/24, 61 minutes.

Teachers in the Dungeon, podcast,11/28/23, 56 minutes.

Teachers in the Dungeon, podcast, 5/16/23, 42 minutes.

Kentucky Edition, KET, 3/31/23 (21 min 12 secs into episode).  Adam Watson is interviewed, and teacher Justin Gadd and his students are featured.

Audrie Lamb, Kentucky Teacher, 1/13/23.   With quotes from Adam Watson and teachers Justin Gadd and Patrick La Mar. 

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