Welcome to Kentucky Educators for Role Playing Games site!
KyEdRPG has two purposes:
To share stories of how role playing games (RPGs) can and are positively impacting students in Kentucky and beyond, in the areas of academics, social-emotional learning, and durable skills like critical thinking and collaboration. On social media, share using the hashtag #KyEdRPG!
To provide Kentucky educators -- and others! -- with RPG instructional resources for school (lesson plans, managing after school clubs tips, etc.).
While KyEdRPG's main focus is on tabletop RPGs (TTRPGs) that usually involve dice to resolve actions (the most popular example being Dungeons & Dragons), it may include some closely related content. For example, integrating certain video games that involve players taking on the roles of clearly defined characters that make choices which impact a narrative into an educational setting might be included, but game-based learning in general (while definitely a topic worth discussing) is too broad for KyEdRPG.
Explore this site, and I hope you find inspiration!
--- Adam Watson, founder and GM of KyEdRPG, launched August 2022
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