Civic Engagement Project
What are the criteria for a Civic Engagement Project?
Students create, or actively engage in, an informed Civic Engagement Project. (All of the following)
Addressed a real-world issue
Identified and researched a topic of interest
Identified (and possibly convenes) involved stakeholders
Designed and implemented a project that addresses the issue
If a collaboration, the student demonstrated how their role contributed to the overall project
Demonstrated awareness and acknowledgement of different perspectives
Assesses different perspectives
Assesses different means to address the issue
Project applied outside the classroom (In the school, the community, or beyond)
Reflected on efforts
What types of activities could fulfill this criteria?
Use the Civic Action Project Guide found at
See "Pathways..." document below for locally relevant pathways. Missing something? Let us know!
Need local resources/organizations? Check out the Topics of Interest resource page.