Mystic Tangle

Ksinya Fields was just an ordinary human. Absolutely depressed with her mundane life. She would read and write to escape her depression. However after a few years of adulthood she had all but lost her spark for the language arts. The fireworks and enjoyment were gone. Sure she had a loving fiance and supportive friends who she could tell everything to. It wasn't enough. She wasn’t satisfied with working, with adulthood, with dealing with people. This life of striving to succeed, of earning your keep just wasn’t the life for her. You may call it laziness, she called it just wanting to do what made her happy.  

Of course she came up with many theories, many reasons to keep on going on. She called her life a story and when times got hard she’d smile and say ‘I bet the readers are hanging on to the edge of their seats.’ When it was boring, she'd apologize to the readers for the lack of entertainment. Things have been boring lately. She would work, come home, play video games, and pretend to be happy. 

Ksinya was a good liar, the best. She always told herself the best lie is one that has a bit of truth to it. With her lie, even she believed she was happy for a while. The truth was, she has never seen a future for herself. Even when she was eight years old she had no vision of what her life would look like when she was older and she tried to end her story. Sadly it didn’t end there, and she made it into adulthood with no plans, just going blind. Ksinya wandered through life knowing she had to continue to try to live. She knew her first step was to get out from under her abusive mothers’ house and away from that dark mark on her life. In order to achieve this, however, she knew she would have to get a job. And since she was a drop out since the plague hit the world, one that didn’t require a degree was her only option. 

She landed a job that sapped her soul, but what minimum wage job doesn’t? She wrote less and less. And she got even more depressed. Her fiance noticed this, her spiral. He watched it everyday and he felt helpless that he could do nothing about it. He tried to work harder and harder, but he could only work so much until he felt himself start to crack under the pressure. 

Ksinya’s greatest fear was being a burden. She hated to watch what he was doing to himself just for her. Just because she couldn’t suck it up and live life like the rest of humanity. She just couldn’t wrap her mind around what was there to live for. 

A body has blood cells that live and die. They travel throughout the body doing their jobs, they don’t know why they do what they do but everything is like clockwork. The lungs take in air that gives oxygen to the blood that brings it to the brain which tells the lungs to breathe and the heart to beat to recycle the blood and send it through the body once again. 

Now, don’t go citing this on a research paper. Ksinya had one college level biology class under her belt and she was far from a scientist, but this brought her comfort; she was a blood cell and the earth was the body, her job was to get oxygen so she could excrete carbon dioxide to feed the trees. One day she would make it to the end of her journey and be recycled. She hoped in her next life she could just rest and be happy.

That was her dying wish. At twenty-four years old Ksinya got a hold of a gun and pointed it at her brain and squeezed the trigger. Her brain had a hole in it and it couldn’t get the message to the lungs to breathe in air, and it forgot to tell the heart to keep beating. Blood poured out of the hole in her head, millions of cells died off that day. They reached the end of their journey, a meteor pierced their world and ended it all. That flaming ball of lead ended Ksinya’s life. Unable to make it a quarter of the way.

What happens to blood cells when they are wasted on the floor? Are they recycled? They exist outside the world they were created in. Ksinya was a cell lost to the Earth. She existed somewhere else, like the blood she lost that was a stain on the floor. She became a stain in another realm.

Because she hadn’t lived long enough in her world to be recycled she didn’t arrive in this new world as a baby. She came as she was and she knew that she had died. She felt her head for the hole and all her fingers caught was the same old unmanageable mop of hair she always had. She was wearing her sports bra and a pair of shorts, not a trace of blood on them. When she died she was in her home; she stood now in a river, the water flowing past her knees. She grew up in a religious house and couldn't help but to think of baptismal waters. So which religion was right? Who or what would she meet in this new realm? 

From what she could tell there were only frogs, birds, and your occasional dragonfly, none of them there to greet her. Ksinya decided to travel upstream, against the current. The sun beat down on her but the water cooled her. 

Nikolas watched the woman wade in his river. He was fascinated with her movements. He had never seen a Sorcerer other than his own Creator. His heart thumped in his chest and all he could hear was the blood pumping in his ears. Should he approach her? Would he be worthy of her time? Maybe he would just make himself known to her and see if she chose to acknowledge him. He liked that idea. He got ahead of her and positioned himself upstream, he feigned fishing movements and waited for her to arrive.

Ksinya was happy to see another humanoid figure in the distance. She picked up her pace. "Excuse me!" She called. At this point she realized she was missing her glasses, but she was still nearsighted. The figure in the water ahead was fuzzy and gave her a headache to try to focus on it. This made her walk even faster through the water. She picked her knees up high and splashed through the river.

Nikolas felt like his heart would swell and burst. He felt the hair on the back of his neck raise when she called out to him. She was actually running towards him. He dared to look up at her. Her face was scrunched up and she was kicking his water fiercely. She was angry at him. His breathing caught in his throat. Nikolas felt like draining his river dry to please her. He didn't know why he and his water angered her so. When she finally reached him his head hung so low his chin reached his chest. The first thing he said to her was "I am so sorry." 

Ksinya was confused at his apology, then it clicked in her head that people would apologize when someone died. 'I'm sorry for your loss' was textbook funeral talk. She waved it off, "it's fine, I'm okay." His demeanor didn't change so she decided to change the subject. "I'm a little lost and confused, could you tell me where I am?" While she waited for his reply she observed him closely. He had curly black hair that framed his face that was scattered with beauty marks, the constellation of marks were on his chest, shoulders and torso as well. In her eyes he was a bowl of vanilla bean ice cream. He wore a linen skirt secured around his waist with a leather belt. He wore a silver chain around his neck with a metal plate attached. This reminded her of the chain that her fiance wore and she immediately felt closer to the man in front of her.

Nikolas dared to look up again, the curls on his forehead still shaded his eyes from her, but he could see the small form of the Sorcerer in front of him. It was just like the legends had taught him. The Sorcerers would arrive in this land and had to be retaught. "This is the Happi Tree Forest. You are in my river, Persona." 

Ksinya blushed when he spoke, his hardened body was much different from his soft voice. "Oh, I'm sorry, should I leave…?"

The man shook his head vigorously. "No, you are more than welcome." He put his hand on his chest. "I am Nikolas, what may I call you?" 


He bowed to her, his upper body parallel to the river. "I am at your service, Ksinya." He straightened, and waited for her to speak once more.

Usually she would build walls when bridges were more appropriate. She never dared to be vulnerable. This was before she opted to kill herself. In this life, she decided to be more open to new things and people. What was the worst that could happen? She had already died after all. "Could you help me get back on my feet?" 

Nikolas looked down at her small brown feet submerged in his water and raised an eyebrow. "I don't think I understand." Did she have another pair somewhere?

To Ksinya, his confusion was tangible, she cringed. She would have to watch what she said closely. "I have forgotten a lot." She lied. "Can you stay with me until I remember?" 

Nikolas couldn't remember a time where he was happier. He felt the blood rush to his cheeks and ears. His bare muscled chest swelled with pride. "Of course." 

Ksinya smiled, she was happy to have stumbled upon such a willing guide. "First things first, how do I get food?" She wasn't hungry now but sustaining herself would be important if she were to stay here.  

How tragic was it to be a Sorcerer, not knowing how to eat. Would she have starved had he not stumbled upon her? "What would you like to eat?" 

Ksinya didn't know the right answer, and she surely didn't want to say anything wrong. "What's your favorite?" She asked.

"I can eat anything." He brushed off the question. 

Ksinya bit her lip in thought. "I like sweet foods." She decided was a safe thing to say. 

"I can show you the fruit in the forest, will that fill you? You are welcome to the fish in my river." 

Ksinya nodded. "Fish is good too." 

With that, Nikolas led her to the riverbank and to the few fruit bearing trees and bushes he knew. Ksinya took note of the crabapple and cherry trees. It seemed like the fruit here was the same, wherever here was. Nikolas felt a fit in his heart that she could only eat a handful of fruit before he showed her the next plant he knew. He decided he would weave a basket for her as soon as possible so she could have as much as she'd like. He led her back to the Persona and he couldn't help but smirk as he showed off his fishing skills. Ksinya was indeed impressed, it seemed like the fish were lining up to be caught by him. She applauded him with each catch. 

Nikolas was elated at the praise and he only stopped at three fish as to not be wasteful. If she wanted more later he would gladly catch it for her. 

He waited for her to begin eating, a dumb smile on his face. 

Ksinya grimaced. "I'm sorry, I don't eat it uncooked." 

His smile wavered for a moment. "Right, I'll cook it for you…" he stood and went gathering materials for a fire pit. Large smooth stones circled dry leaves and twigs. Nikolas held two rocks in his hands and struck them together, trying to spark up the fire. He had never started a fire in his life, but he had heard stories of it being done. Ksinya watched him closely, making him want to succeed even more.

After a few minutes of failed tries Nikolas was ready to give up. "I- I've never made a fire before, I will go gather more fruit for you." He swiftly stood and was about to run off.

"Wait!" Ksinya called, making the man stop in his tracks. "I've never made a fire either, but we should try to learn. I know another way we can try out." Ksinya believed a fire was important, she didn't know how cool it would get at night nor did she want to waste the fish Nikolas had caught. "Can you bring me a few dry branches about this size, and a log about this big, oh and some dry grass as well?" She gestured with her hands. 

Nikolas obediently ran off and came back with the materials she described. "Will these suffice?" He asked ready to run off again if she needed him to. Ksinya surveyed his haul and was happy with it.

"Perfect!" She exclaimed and started to set up. "Okay so you're going to rub this branch between your hands really fast; where the branch meets the log will start to smoke, I'll blow on it and add the grass in order to start the fire." 

Nikolas felt his heart swell with joy, she was so smart! He did as she explained and rolled the branch between his hands. She bent her head down toward the log and blew.

Both people were surprised when fire escaped Ksinya's lips. The grass and log were ignited and Nikolas dropped the branch. Ksinya's eyebrows came together in confusion. She looked to Nikolas for an explanation. 

"Well, I guess now is as good a time as any to teach you who you are." He sighed. "Please stop me if I frighten you." He stood. Nikolas outstretched his hand toward his river where the water started to rise and arch to meet him. He took a sphere of water in his hand and it kept shape while it spun. "I can only control the water that is already there. Many other people can control plants, the breeze, they can call down lightning, control a flame. You are different. You are a Sorcerer. You create the fire and control it." 

"You knew all along?! How?" 

Nikolas chuckled and nodded. "You knew I was different from you, did you not?"

"Yes but… I had just arrived…"

"And I have been here."

"So there are other Sorcerers?" Ksinya asked.

Nikolas replaced the water he took and sat next to her. "I'll tell you everything, let's eat." 

"Okay, can you put the fish on sticks so we can roast them?" Fish sticks. She chuckled.

Nikolas smiled and did so gladly. "I am a Nymph. You are a Sorcerer.  Although I have never met one newly arrived, there are many legends. In most legends you arrive confused and you have to be retaught everything. They say you come from a different land. They say you have overcome many trials wherever you were and that is why you were granted your power." 

Ksinya was skeptical. "Do I have any responsibilities?" She knew all too well the saying about great power.

Nikolas' face became red and he turned away. "You can do anything you want. You are not required to do anything."

Ksinya breathed a sigh of relief. "But?"

"Well, some legends say, well because Nymphs cannot reproduce on their own…"

"Ah so it's one of those." Ksinya nodded understanding. Back before she killed herself, she found herself enthralled by transmigration stories where the main character chose to have multiple offspring in the new land.

"The fish looks ready." Nikolas deflected. 

They ate in comfortable silence. The fish from Nikolas' river were so fresh and fragrant. "This was the best fish I've ever had, thank you so much."

"It was no problem." His tone was soaked in pride. 

"I'm curious." Ksinya paused, wondering how to phrase her thoughts. "Where I come from there is day and night and four seasons." 

Nikolas nodded. "It is the same here. You arrived in the morning, we are past the peak of the day now. It's the rainy season now. Prima. Next is Vicina the hot season, Altra the windy season, and Ultima the cold season. You've arrived on a good day, the past three days have been pretty dry but my river has receded so a big storm is coming."

This made Ksinya uneasy. "You live in your river, right?" She asked.

He nodded. "What's wrong?"

"I will need shelter from the storm. I can't spend my time in the water, I'll drown."

Nikolas felt his heart sink at the thought of her drowning in his waters. The storm would be really bad and the current would be strong. He didn't trust his own strength to keep her safe. He stood abruptly. "Let's find shelter." 

"Okay. But how do I put out my fire? I should practice that. I don't want to burn the Happi Tree Forest down."

"Of course. Controlling your fire should be no different than controlling your hand. It's all very mental. You can move your hands to make it easier to visualize in your mind what you want your fire to do. Does that make sense?"

Ksinya nodded. She took a deep breath. She visualized the fire being smothered and clasped her hands together. The fire immediately went out. Smoke didn't even rise from the ashes. "Ah! That's amazing. I've always wanted to control fire." Ksinya felt like sobbing with joy. Deep down she wished she could have killed herself sooner in order to reach this place. But maybe if she did the stars wouldn't be aligned just right for her to end up here. Maybe certain circumstances had to be met before she could transmigrate here. She didn't want to let those thoughts drag her down, however. She spent the first quarter of her life in misery; here in this place, she knew she could be happy. She hugged Nikolas. "Thank you." Her head rested on his chest and she could hear the thumping of his heart. It was so strong. She was reminded of her fiance's heart. She missed him and wished him happiness. She knew his heart and mind were strong enough to move on after she was gone. 

Nikolas was too stunned to speak, his arms were pinned down by his sides so he couldn't return the embrace. So he stood there until she was ready to let go.

"Let's go find some shelter." Ksinya grinned and released the man. 

After some time searching they finally settled on a cave. Hanging vines with purple and pink buds grew in front of the entrance. The cave didn't go very deep but it had a clean floor and few insects. Nikolas gathered dry grass and firewood. He set up the grass to make two beds and let Ksinya handle making the fire. She was happy to get practice with her new ability. They were finished setting up right before the sky got dark. Ksinya didn't realize how tired she was until she hit the hay. She curled up in her nest and started drifting to sleep. "Good night." She said to Nikolas.

Nikolas watched her closely. He took the time to examine her. How lucky he was for her to appear before him. The legends say Sorcerers arrive in the vicinity of someone they will be closest with. They hint that this person will remind them of someone from where they came from. Nikolas wondered about the place where Ksinya came from. The place that cultivates Sorcerers. Every story talks about how horrible it is and the hardships the Sorcerers have to face. Nikolas made a silent promise to make Ksinya's time here as easy as possible. He wished he could have asked his Creator more questions before leaving. He wished he knew more about Sorcerers so he could make Ksinya happy. In her sleep she looked peaceful; though her body was tense and curled up, her breathing was slow and steady. He would usually sleep in his river. The current and cool water would drift him to sleep. Maybe as a fire Sorcerer she liked to sleep warmly. Her fire burned strong in the cave, lighting it and warming it. But he looked at the clothing she had on in scrutiny. He decided to leave the cave and search for an animal skin for her. He left immediately in order to get back before she awoke. He ran to his river and the light of the stars in the sky sparkled on the water. He fished his hunting tools out. He didn't use them often, but every now and again an agitated bear would wander over looking for a fight. He would trade the bear for his own clothing and food if he felt tired of fish. Other than that he lived his life leisurely. This time he hunted with a purpose. 

The spotted doe slept peacefully in its brambles. It dreamed of frolicking in fields and chewing fresh grass and leafy stems. It dreamed it found a huge juicy red fruit and was about to take a bite out of it when it woke up to its neck getting sliced open. Blood gushed from the wound and stained its bramble nest red. There was a gurgle from the doe's throat as it tried to scream. She tried to struggle but she was held down firmly. 

The doe closed its eyes for a final time in this world and opened them in another. 

Nikolas brought his prey to his river in order to clean it. He skinned it and cut off certain pieces for Ksinya to have for her meal in the morning. He gathered some reeds from his riverside and decided to head back. On his way back to the cave he caught sight of a red fruit tree and gathered a few for Ksinya.

His hands were full as he entered the cave. He put his hunting tools in the corner and started roasting the meat over Ksinya's fire and drying the deerskin. Once the meat was roasted he set it aside on a leaf with the apples. And once the deerskin was dry and warm he placed it over Ksinya's body. Under the warmth of the blanket her body finally relaxed. Liquifying like butter, she took up two times the space she did before. While her body unwound, her mind started to pick up speed. Oblivious to the change in her subconscious, Nikolas started to weave a basket with some dry reeds from his river.

In her dream, Ksinya was a child again and living in her mothers house. There was no heat or electricity, and her stomach was empty. She huddled in her room trying to stay warm. It was Ksinya’s birthday and her mother came in. “I know your grandmother sent you some money. Let me borrow it.” Ksinya shook her head, she wanted to save her money, not waste it on her mother’s addiction. “Don’t be a bitch. Just give it to me.” Ksinya shook her head once again, she couldn’t find her voice. “Your dad died so he can't give me shit, your grandmother won't give me shit, nobody with a dick and two balls would step up so now I have to be a single mother. I smoke crack but I ain’t crazy! And that's why! That is why I smoke crack! I deserve to get my nut! So give me the twenty so my drug dealer don’t kill me over this shit, bitch!” Ksinya's breathing escalated. She was only a kid, why did she have to deal with this? Ksinya didn't know it but she was beginning to have a panic attack. A pain burned in her chest, was Nikolas and the Happi Tree Forest and the Persona river all just a dream? It did seem too good to be true, but it felt so real. Where she was now seemed only like a memory. She urged herself awake.

Ksinya sat up in her nest close to hyperventilation. "Ni-Nikolas!" She stammered out. 

Nikolas turned quickly to face the Sorcerer. Her face was red and her eyes were watering. Ksinya could only see shadows in the cave as her vision was bad and now blurred by tears. Nikolas saw her eyes searching for him, he set down his progress with the basket and started towards her. "I am here." He told her. 

Immediately she shuffled off of her nest and crawled quickly to him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and sobbed into his chest. "Thank you ! Thank you so much for not being a dream!" She cried. "Please, please don't ever leave me." She pleaded.

Passion burned in his chest. Ksinya was so small and fragile in his arms. Who broke her so badly? He had the urge to kill whatever did this to her. Whoever took her smiles away should pay. He held her tenderly in his arms like a broken bird. "I will not leave you." He promised. "Would you like to talk about it?" 

Ksinya shook her head. "No, I'd like to just forget it for now. I promise I'll tell you later but I don't want to feel bad right now. I feel so shitty."

"I understand." He held her tighter. "Let me know if you need anything."

Ksinya didn't speak much more. Her sobs died down as she listened to his heartbeat and breathing. She tried to match his long steady breaths. With each breath she tried to memorize his scent. He smelled like fresh rainy weather. Soon enough she was soothed. She relaxed and her body let out a yawn. She didn't realize how exhausted she felt until then. 

"Let's lay down." Nikolas suggested.

Ksinya nodded. "Together." She added and tried to crawl out of his arms to her nest. She was surprised when Nikolas lifted her with ease. He set her down first before lying next to her and covering them both with the deerskin. "This blanket is nice and warm," she looked at her fire and focused on dimming it, it obeyed without delay. How nice she didn't even have to get out of bed to turn the lights off! She snuggled close to Nikolas and her heart ached for her fiance. She did miss him dearly. She wished he could join her in this world of no obligations. If anyone deserved it he did. She felt she didn't belong here and she should be ripped away from this world without notice. She held onto Nikolas tighter.

Nikolas could sense that she was still tense, so he decided to stroke her hair to try and calm her. He witnessed her melt again.  

Ksinya sighed. "Nikolas, this is the happiest I've ever been. I'm scared."

Caught off guard by his name, Nikolas cleared his throat before speaking. "Why are you scared?"

"I'm scared it will all be ripped away from me." 

"This is your forever." Nikolas assured her.

Ksinya felt her cheeks and ears burn with blush. He was so confident, she chose to believe him. Afterall, if she was a blood cell, blood stains. She has had time to dry and set in this world. In her apartment where she took her life, the carpet had to be replaced because the blood would not depart from it. She was a stain on this world now. This thought calmed her and she actually started drifting to sleep.

At first light, the girl in his arms started stirring. Nikolas hadn't slept much, he was afraid Ksinya would have another nightmare. Luckily he didn't need much sleep, and even more fortunate that she slept soundly the rest of the night.  Ksinya opened her eyes slowly. She was met with grayish-blue eyes. As she awoke she realized she actually felt rested. In her past life, it didn't matter how long she slept, she would always be exhausted. "Good morning." She murmured. 

"Good morning." His voice rumbled in his chest after not using it for a while.

Ksinya smiled at his cuteness. "You are a great sight to wake up to." She admitted and watched as his cheeks grew red. 

Nikolas turned his face away from her. "Are you hungry? I roasted some deer last night, and I got some of those crunchy red fruits you enjoyed."

At the mention of food her mouth watered. "I could eat." She nodded.

Nikolas wriggled his way from underneath the deerskin and gathered the food. Ksinya sat up as he played the hunks of meat on a leaf in her lap. He looked at her expectantly. "I'm sorry it's cold, I wanted to cook it before it attracted flies." 

"I can't eat this on my own, will you help me with it?" She tore away a small piece. "Here let's toast." 

"Toast?" Nikolas raised an eyebrow.

"Oh it means we tap what we're about to consume together and share the first taste. So I have my piece and you'll grab your piece…" she urged him on, he tore a piece quickly. "And then we let our pieces touch…" she held out her piece and he let her the rest of the way. "And then we eat!" She popped the piece of meat in her mouth and he mirrored her. She chewed curiously, she had never had viel in her past life. This meat was good, albeit a bit bland. But the smoky roasted flavor saved it. "It's very good!" She picked up another piece and Nikolas quickly followed suit. "Ah, we only toast on the first bite or drink." Ksinya explained and Nikolas nodded. They ate together quietly. Nikolas went slow, letting her eat her fill. When she was done with the deer she had cherries  for dessert and Nikolas finished the meat. 

"Let's go to your river, I want to wash up." Ksinya suggested and Nikolas led the way with no questions. 

Ksinya was sitting on a boatload of questions she had for this new world. She waited until they made it to the water to ask. "Nikolas, I'd like to know more about you. About everything really, but we'll get to that. Who is your creator? Why do you live out here alone? What did you do before I showed up?" She took his hand and stepped into the water with him. 

"Well, my Creator's name is Evelyn. She is a librarian now in Seaport. My father lives with her. My siblings, well I imagine they are all doing things they like. I live here alone because I like to be here alone. I created this river and it is my home. Before you, I didn't realize how lonely I was. Fish are not the best company." 

"You don't miss your family? How long has it been since you last saw them?" 

Nikolas' face was blank. "Not really, I think I saw a brother of mine recently, we played a bit."

"Play? How do you play?" 

"We dance or sing or swim. Well at least I do. Some Nymphs can play instruments, some like to hunt for play, some spar, some er- do other things." 

"Really? Will you sing for me?" She feigned innocence of the last thing on his list.

Nikolas' eyes widened. "Of course."  He cleared his throat. 

"All or nothing at all 

Half a love, never appealed to me

If your heart, never could yield to me

Then I'd rather have nothing at all

All or nothing at all~"

Ksinya felt goosebumps rise on her skin. First of all his voice was magnificent, she could listen to him all day. But secondly; she actually recognized the song! "Where did you learn that song?" She asked.

"My Creator. Evelyn, she told us it was a popular song. They played it on what she calls a radio. She has told me about record players as well but I'm not familiar." 

"Wait wait, that's an old song, is your mother old?" 

"I'm not sure." 

"How old are you?!" 

Nikolas shrugged. "How old do I look?" He asked.

Ksinya analyzed him. "You look my age. I'm twenty-four." 

Nikolas chuckled. "I believe I'm in my mid-forties now." 

Ksinya stopped all her movements. She used all her brain power to calculate the truth in his statement. Nikolas kept a concerned smile on his face. Ksinya was deep in thought and it showed with her scrunched eyebrows and mouth agape. "So wait um wait, you. How, uh. How old is your mother?" She stammered out her question.

"Hmm well my oldest siblings should be in their seventies by now, and she was in her twenties when she arrived. So at least ninety." He answered as honestly as he could.

"So what, does she still look twenty?" Ksinya blinked rapidly. 

"From what I saw a few years ago, yes, she has kept her youthful appearance." He nervously reached out for her hand. "This place is Forever." 

"Forever." She whispered, taking a good look at their hands clasped together. Her small brown hand was gently circled by his. "And we can just swim around all day?"

"If that's what you want." He nodded. 

"Well I assume I can still get sick, so maybe not in the windy or cold season um Alta and Ultima?"

"Altra." He corrected. "If you get sick there are many healers in Seaport, you don't have to worry."

The topic of sickness reminded her of a certain human function and how she hadn't had the urge to relieve herself since she arrived. She brought her hand to her stomach. The confusion was clear on her face. "We… we don't poop or pee?"

Nikolas held back his chuckle but couldn't hide his smile. "No, not unless you're sick. Infants do. Until they grow out of it and start Influencing. The food you eat animates your body, fuels your mind, and helps create your fire. I'm told before you came here you didn't have your fire, therefore your body created waste."

"Ah that makes sense."  Ksinya was deep in thought for a while. "You learned this all from your family before you left?"

Nikolas shook his head. "I inherited the information." He noted the confused lol on her face and started to explain. "When Nymphs start to Influence they also inherit knowledge from their parents. Nymphs are not very family oriented. Some of us choose to leave the family unit once we start Influencing."

"Wow, that is interesting." Ksinya managed to say while processing the information.

"It makes sense, if we spread out we have a better chance of meeting our own Sorcerer that we can follow." Nikolas' ears gained a pink flush. 

"I'm glad I met you." 

Smiles and laughter were shared between the two. They hardly noticed the gray clouds gathering in the sky.  They couldn't ignore the wind picking up and the smell of moisture in the air. Nikolas escorted Ksinya to the riverbank, holding on to her firmly. The last thing he wanted was for her to get swept away from him so he was extra cautious. When they reached land he gathered the small Sorcerer in his arms, holding her close to his chest. She felt so safe in his arms. She didn't even mind the drizzle that fell from the sky. The droplets caught in his hair shone like diamonds. She caught a silver drop in her hand. Even the rain here in Forever was prettier, more pure. The wind blew again sending a shiver down her spine, she nestled closer to him. At last they reached their shelter from the storm just as the thunder started to roll. Ksinya immediately started the fire in the pit and Nikolas went to sit them in front of it. Ksinya didn't move from his lap. A smile was plastered on her face as she took in the view. Her red flames danced in the pit and beyond at the entrance of the cave, the vibrant green vines fluttered in the wind. Outside, flashes of lightning could be seen. It was a very cozy sight to behold. Ksinya always loved thunderstorms. The atmosphere was her favorite. She oftentimes would listen to thunder sounds to help her sleep. A relaxed sigh escaped her as she melted into Nikolas' arms. 

"You like storms." Nikolas observed.

"I do. I love them. What about you?" She looked up at him and was caught off guard by his cool blue eyes. 

"As long as I'm in my element I'm happy." He smiled.

"Time to find me a volcano." Ksinya laughed. Nikolas' smile faltered a bit. "I'm only joking!"

"You're mischievous sometimes."

"I am. You're gonna have to get used to my sense of humor."

"I will!"

"I always loved making people laugh." Ksinya lamented.

"Tell me, how did you have fun before?" He tried to keep the conversation light, and he was also very curious about her life, but he didn't want to pry.

Ksinya smiled, remembering. "Well I would listen to music or watch movies or play games."

"Movies?" He raised a black eyebrow.

"Oh well uhm, moving picture films? Also, they're in color now." 

He nodded taking in all the information. "And what games would you play?"

Ksinya laughed. "Well there's these things that are called Video Games, and they're like movies but they're animated like cartoons, and you get to control a character. One of my favorite games is called Critter Kingdom and my character becomes the mayor of a town full of cute animals."

"Do you like animals?" 

"I do! I had two cats. But I always wanted my pet family to grow." 

"Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon, the little dog laughed to see such sport—"

"And the dish ran away with the spoon!" Ksinya exclaimed and rocked with laughter. Nikolas chuckled along with her, unconsciously squeezing her gently. 

She drew him in so easily. He had heard the legends and saw the way his father looked at his mother; however, he never expected it to be like this. To see Ksinya's smile and to never want it to falter. To hear her laughs and to want to keep her that happy forever. She fit perfectly in his arms and he tried to remember what they were used for before they held onto her. It just seemed like everything in his life was leading up to this moment and now everything was falling into place. He found purpose in the Sorcerer in his arms. 

They talked for ages, beyond the cave was the blackness of the stormy night. The warm glow of Ksinya's fire relaxed them both. Nikolas was still against the idea of letting her go for now and he laid them both in her nest. She smiled up at him fondly. "Will you sing me a lullaby?"

Without question Nikolas cleared his throat and sang softly. "Nighty night, until tomorrow~"

Ksinya took a sharp intake of breath. "My grandmother sang this one to me when I was a child." She whispered. She noticed his hesitation, and urged him on by stroking his arm.

"Nighty night, for what sweet sorrow

To be parting dear, from you

With a farewell kiss or two~

Once he sang this part Ksinya kissed his cheek, and the firelight became the second reddest in the room. She giggled. "I'm sorry, go on." She apologized.

Nikolas pulled her even closer, singing into her ear. 

"Nighty night, while my arms take you

Nighty night, till birdies wake you

Dream of me and just sleep tight

Darling, nighty night~"

"Again," she urged. "This time I won't interrupt." She closed her eyes and actually started to relax.

Nikolas obliged, singing the song again. He stroked her back to comfort her further. When he finished the song he hummed it for her until her breathing slowed and he was sure she was asleep. Only then did he let his own mind drift away to dream.

Ksinya was the first to wake in the gray morning. She felt at ease with Nikolas' arms around her. She took the time to memorize his face. He looked so peaceful, his long black eyelashes touched his round cheeks, his plump pink lips were parted just a bit. He was the male version of Snow White. He was her fairy tale prince. She brushed his onyx ringlets off of his forehead gently. She could watch him sleep forever. Sadly; soon after, he started to stir. He even awoke elegantly. His eyes fluttered open slightly revealing his blue pools. His lips stretched into a smile as he looked at Ksinya adoringly. "Good morning,'' she whispered. 

Nikolas frowned at the greeting. He felt his heart drop. He had slept until morning? Ksinya raised an eyebrow and he decided to explain himself. "I meant to wake up earlier. I didn't mean to sleep so long, I was going to weave you a basket and get another meal started and get some more clothing for you and—"

"Woah woah, calm yourself." She rubbed his arm. "One thing at a time, I'll be fine. I never usually eat first thing in the morning anyway. And we have all the time in Forever for basket weaving and clothes designing."

Nikolas wasn't satisfied. He reluctantly pulled away from Ksinya's embrace and sat up. "Well I still have to hunt. I wanted to do it while you were asleep, so it would be like I never left. " He stood and started to gather his leather roll of knives. 

"I'm sure you won't take too long with all the rain out. Hunting will be a breeze for you right now." She tried to cheer him up but he wasn't buying it. "Okay! How about you hunt something easy?" He turned to her curiously. 

"No. Whatever you have a taste for I will get it." He stood his ground. What kind of Nymph would he be if he could not make all her wishes come true? He was set on his silent promise to her. To keep her happy and to never have her covet anything.

"Well this will work because I really have a taste for eggs! I love eggs." She looked at his work on a basket in the corner. "Let's finish a basket then you can collect some eggs. I've never woven a basket before, let me watch you." She arose and took his hand dragging him over to the project area. She watched him with anticipation.

Nikolas couldn't argue with her. Her brown eyes looked up at him so cutely, it made his heart melt. He grabbed her and sat them both down, resting her in his lap. It was like she was made to fit there. Her back rested against his chest and he picked up where he left off with the basket. "This one I already started, I'll teach you how to start one another time." He spoke softly.

She watched his slender fingers at work with fascination. She was amazed at the meticulous movements he made. He was finished in no time at all. He didn't really go slow enough to teach her but she took in all she could anyway. He put some excess hay on the bottom and gave it a spin to examine it. "You're so talented, Niko!" She exclaimed and Nikolas felt his cheeks grow hot.

"Thank you. I must go now." He muttered. Ksinya reluctantly crawled out of his lap and stood. He got to his feet in front of her and she escorted him to the entrance of the cave. Beyond the green hanging vines there was a light gray drizzle. "I'm going to gather as many eggs as I can and some fruit as well."

"Sounds good. I'll see you soon." She gathered him in a hug. She was surprised at how hard it was to let him go. She watched him walk out in the rain for as long as she could before his fuzzy figure was unrecognizable anymore. She turned and decided to dawdle around the cave. She played with her fire for a bit. Practicing manipulating it, making it dim and brighten at will. It really was like flexing a muscle, and even though she hadn't flexed this muscle ever in her life she knew how to use it. It was an extension of herself. It was perhaps like eating for the first time out of the womb. Before birth a fetus would get all its nutrients from the placenta. But when met with mother's lactating breast you'd think it was a professional. It was in her DNA to control and create her fire, she just had to leave her womb and enter a new world. This was her final evolution. She wondered why only a few select people ended up here as Sorcerers. She could only conclude that this world was like a country and there were many people born in different countries with different laws; even though they were all born the same way they could speak different languages, eat different foods, have different geography. She didn't think that her fiance would end up in this country. As Nikolas had said: Sorcerers have horrible backgrounds. And while having your fiance kill herself would be very traumatic for him, if it just took one horrible life event she figured there would be more Sorcerers popping up out of the woodwork. She had gone through years of trauma from her family to adulthood. While her fiance did have bad days he had a loving family and a great head on his shoulders. He was her sunlight in the bad times. Fuck even if he did end up here she hoped it wouldn't be for a long time. He deserved a long and happy life.  She'd have to ask Nikolas if any older-looking Sorcerers have arrived. As she got deep in her thoughts  she decided to lie down on her nest. She felt a horrible weight on her chest. She felt guilt for leaving her fiance behind and guilt for being happy now, here without him. 

Nikolas arrived an hour or so later with a grin on his face, ready to greet the Sorcerer in the cave. He almost dropped the basket when he saw her in her nest, blankly staring at her fire with tears rolling down her cheeks. He ran over to her , feeling like his heart had been struck by lightning. "Ksinya?! What's wrong? Are you hurt?" His eyes scanned over her body, unable to find any wounds. He cursed himself for leaving her alone. He should have gotten back quicker. He should have collected more food yesterday with her before the rain. "Ksinya please, what's happened?" He urged her.

She looked up at him with a forced smile. "I'm fine, just a little tired." She lied.

"You're crying." He pointed out. She touched her face, surprised. 

"I didn't notice." She whispered. 

"What made you upset?" He asked, wiping her wet cheeks. 

She looked into his cool blue eyes and immediately felt calmer. She took a deep breath and made up her mind about what she was going to say. "I feel guilty. I'm guilty that I'm so happy here. But I wasn't happy there, surrounded by people that loved me and cared for me. I had a fiancé and I feel so bad for leaving him behind. I left in such a gruesome way as well. He must be so devastated. He loved me so much, and I love him too but my depression kept me from being the best I could be for him.  He was a good man, I just couldn't take being there in that world any longer."

Nikolas sat and listened to her pitiful tale with a pang in his heart. "Ksinya, I don't know how to say this fastidiously, so I will just tell you the facts as I know them." He looked at her for confirmation to go on and she stared up at him curiously. He took this as a sign to continue. "As I have said before; Sorcerers arrive in this land after overcoming many trials. The life you had, I know, was a hard one. And you say that you had many people who loved you. My Creator, the Sorcerer who arrived here in this land had a loving family and also a fiancé. She threw herself off of the tallest building she had access to. I don't particularly like calling it a reward or a gift to arrive here as a Sorcerer. But damn it if you didn't earn it. I wish you didn't have to go through what you did but there's a selfish part of me that knows if you didn't you wouldn't be here with me. I realize now how my Nymph parents could all love my Creator so much. Nymphs only know serenity, whimsy, and carelessness. We don't know what it is to have commitments until we meet a Sorcerer. It feels so natural to want to care for you. Not because I pity you. But because I respect you and what you've been through… I — I'm sorry I've ranted. I've said all that to say: don't feel guilty for being happy."

Ksinya took the time to process everything he said. It did make her feel better to know his own Creator went through the same situation. "I'll get over it after some time." She grumbled, her eyes closed as she tried to will the negative thoughts away. 

"What wouldn't your fiancé do to make you happy?" He asked, making her open her eyes. 


"Is there anything your fiancé wouldn't do to see you happy?" He asked again.

Ksinya took a deep breath. "No." She thought about everything he did to make her life better. She thought about when they were long distance he wasn't afraid to let her see other people in case she got lonely. She thought about how he got a cat for her even though he was allergic. If it would make her happy he wouldn't stand in the way of it. "No." She repeated strongly.

"Then if he could see how happy you are here, do you think he would want you to feel guilty about it?"

Ksinya took a sharp intake of breath. "You're right." Her eyes were wide. 

"If you truly feel happy then you shouldn't dampen your feelings. Leave all your guilt, sorrow, and responsibilities on Earth. Here you only have to worry about falling ill and I will do all I can to keep you healthy. Speaking of which, you must eat. I have gathered eggs and fruit and a couple of small birds we can have for dinner. " Nikolas made his way over to the basket filled with food and Ksinya sat up in her nest. “You must be so hungry, keeping your fire burning all day. I have to get better with meal planning. How would you like your eggs?” While he was talking and gathering his things Ksinya creeped up behind him to peer over his shoulder. She was surprised to see two little birds looking back up at her, frightened. “Well I can only fry them right now, when the rain stops we can—” He finally noticed her behind him and jumped. 

“Can we keep the birds?” She asked him with puppy-dog eyes.

“I— Uh. Yes of course, whatever you want. You don't need to put on that face.” He laughed nervously. He picked up one of the birds gently and handed it to her. “I think they are like the chickens of Earth?”

Ksinya shook her head as she held out her arms for the bird. “No, these are much smaller, but they remind me of the chickens my family had when I was younger.” She stroked the gold feathers on the head of the bird in her hands trying to calm it down. “I’ll name this one Willa.” She smiled and took a look at the other bird. “And that one with the red can be Frankie, those were the names of my chickens.”

Nikolas nodded. “You can play with them over there while I cook. They’ll listen to you, they know you are a Sorcerer.”

“Even they know?” Her eyes were wide.