Prayers & Poems

Prayers During CoVid19

From Faith & Worship website

For all whose day starts with anxiety,
as they leave the security of home
worrying about the risk of infection;
particularly those whose health
or age classifies them as vulnerable.
Loving God, be close, keep them safe,
along with all whose tasks today
includes the care of frail and elderly.
And for all of us, grant wisdom
to make sensible choices, not just
for ourselves, but for everybody.

Help us to put aside preconceptions
about other people, because that alters
our behaviour, and simply accept
that they, like us, are precious in your eyes.

Waiting and Longing

By Walter Brueggemann

God of the seasons,
God of the years,
God of the eons,
Alpha and Omega,
before us and after us.
You promise and we wait:
we wait with eager longing,
we wait amid doubt and anxiety,
we wait with patience thin
and then doubt,
and then we take life into our own hands.
We wait because you are the one and the only one.
We wait for your peace and your mercy,
for your justice and your good rule.
Give us your spirit that we may wait
obediently and with discernment,
caringly and without passivity,
trustingly and without cynicism
honestly and without utopianism,
Grant that our wait may be appropriate to your coming
soon and very soon,
soon and not late,
late but not too late.
We wait while the world groans in eager longing.

Morning Prayer
for Courage

By Dr. Ray Pritchard

Lord, grant me tenacious winsome courage as I go through this day. When I am tempted to give up, help me to keep going. Grant me a cheerful spirit when things don't go my way. And give me the courage to do whatever needs to be done. In Jesus' name, Amen.

To the students, faculty, and staff of KWU:

“ I lift each of you up in prayer this morning! No matter what you are dealing with today or in the days to come, know that God is with you! Lord protect and provide for each us as we go through our days! In Jesus name we pray, AMEN!”

—Dr. Allen D. Smith, KWU, Student Support Advisor