Corotica merkka Senebelenae


24 February A.S. LVIII (58) 2024

HUGE research assist from Vindiorix Ordovix, Ollam Lanea, and Sir Alherin.

Calligraphy & Illumination

Kolfinna ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


Ollam Lanea Inghean Uí ChiaragáinRoxbury MillAtlantia
Hear me, Gods of well and water, of brewing and healing. Hear my cry, Matrons of Horse, of Victory, and Sovereignty. I beg fortune and fame for Corotica merkka Senebelenae, Daughter of the Silures, Countess of the East, Scholar of renown. Grant her clean water, ample grain, and the bounty of bees. Let her casks overflow with the boon of the brewer. Grant her swift spear throws and impenetrable armorSo she may stand victorious amidst the tiger’s tribe.Grant her the bright insight of awen, keenest kenning. Let her knowledge pour forth, gracing all with her skill. 
This gold-torced woman, spear-throwing stalwart, Stands in the mead hall, in the battlefield, in the agora, Draped in the grace of Sulis, and Sirona, and Suleviae;  Raised to great heights by Epona, and Andrasta, and Nantosuelta; And offering succor and sustenance in the vein of Nodens and Succelos.  I call out, asking all to recognize her glory: I name her barley charmer, wolf tamer, hearth master, And ask she be made a Companion of the Order of the Laurel, As befits her labors and her talents. And wreathe her thus in every form of fortune so deserved. 
Done this 30th day of September in Coldwood, as she feeds the host, A.S. LVIII By Brennan Rig and Caoilfhionn Rigani, rightful and just Crowns of the East.


Winsor & Newton Gouache

Substrate Size

8" x 10"


Vulgar Roman


sheathObject TypesheathMuseum number1976,0703.2DescriptionCopper alloy sword scabbard made from two sheets of metal, in very good condition, with the front plate better than the back. When discovered, the tips of the two scabbard plates were 40 or 50 mm apart, with the back plate bent outwards. The front plate is 767 mm long and 43 mm wide at the top, with a straight mouth and a slight taper at the bottom to a rounded…View moreabout descriptionCultures/periodsIron AgeLa Tène IIIProduction date120 BC - 50 BC (circa) (circa)FindspotFound/Acquired: Isleham (parish)Europe: British Isles: England: Cambridgeshire: Isleham (parish) 
coin; forgery (ancient)Object Typecoinforgery (ancient)Museum number1991,0904.1DenominationstaterDescriptionGold coin; possible ancient forgery. (whole) (whole)Stylised head of Apollo, left. (obverse) (obverse)Stylised horse, left. (reverse) (reverse)AuthorityIssuer: AnonymousCultures/periodsContinental Iron AgeProduction date200BC-80BC (crica) (crica)Production placeMinted in: GaulEurope: GaulFindspotExcavated/Findspot: Snettisham (Snettisham hoard F)Europe: British Isles: England: Norfolk (England): Snettisham 
sword; sword-sheath; chainObject Typeswordsword-sheathchainMuseum numberML.2952DescriptionA solid, comparatively well-preserved iron sword still in its scabbard; the two have been deliberately bent to a U-shape so that one side of the scabbard has been pulled slightly below the other side at the top. The blade, measured with the aid of a radiograph is 612 mm long with a comparatively broad and rounded point. Its width cannot be measured accurately,…View moreabout descriptionCultures/periodsIron AgeLa Tène I (?)La Tène II (?)Production date300 BC - 200 BC (circa) (circa)FindspotFound/Acquired: Somme-Suippe (?)Europe: France: Champagne-Ardenne (region): Marne (Champagne-Ardenne): Somme-Suippe 
fish-hookObject Typefish-hookMuseum numberEA37885DescriptionBronze fish-hook, with barbed tip.Cultures/periodsGraeco-RomanFindspotFound/Acquired: EgyptAfrica: Egypt 
