Ishmael Stedfast Reed & Erasmus Taylor


February A.S. LVIII (58) 2024

Calligraphy & Illumination

Kolfinna ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


Magister Ishmael Stedfast ReedAtlantia
We here wytitneſſeth that Erasmus of Brighte Hilles puttethe himſelfe indenture to Mſſr. I. S. Reed to lern the arte of a Taylor, & to be renewed ech yeare at Candelmaſtide, or ſchud he & th. ſaid Mſſr. Reed harmonyoſly determyne, releeſt as iourneman, from thene nowne Erasmus Taylor. Durynge which termes th. ſaid Erasmus he ſchall practis the patern andwaye of makinge ierkyn, dublet, hoſſe, & breeches, &c., and al ſuche cloths befityng a Taylor. He ſchall kyepe his Maiſter abreſt in all maner of thynges ande ſuch councyll as he may requyre for the fullfilmaunt of hys dutyis as prentis. The forsayde challe not be compeld bye anye perſonne to ſuplye, ſel, or prouyde his labour nor productes, for leſſe monie nor more time than maye profyt his circumstaunce & proſpectes. Ande th. said Mſſr. Reed covennteth to teach & informe the ſaid Erasmus the formencyound art & ocupacion, or causeth th. ſame to be ynstructed by others. Mſſr. Reed ſchall wages paye th. ſaid Erasmus as beſte befyts hys educacion, yn ſoche kerseys, bais, ſatens, &c. an ther be neede of yt, and to be kept as a prentes ſchud be, that is to say meate and drincke, a place inne his maiſter’s howse, and his crafte to be toghtt hym and nothyng to be hid frome hym therof.
Anno regni Ragnar & Mary Isabel, Societatis LVIII


Winsor & Newton Gouache

Substrate Size

8" x 10"




"An early indenture for a parish apprentice from 1624, binding Anthonie Johns to Thomas Lane in St Mary Major, Exeter (Ref: 51/1/16). With permission from the Devon Heritage Centre." 
"Lease indenture between John Kaye of Denby Grange and lessee John North of Bankend for land in Almondbury in Yorkshire, 1639.  Kaye Family Estate Papers. Call Number: MS 240B: 111." 


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