Three Baronial Scrolls

Highland Foorde

at Highland Havoc November 11 A.S. LVIII (58) 2023

Calligraphy & Illumination

Kolfinna ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


Magister Ishmael Steadfast ReedWordifierAtlantia
"Now James the Archere lives by his troutheThat he swiftely his swerde scholde swynge for ryghtnesse,And whatt selswerdes he see the same scholde he best.And one begar swith to the swerde and swange it in the ayr,And ane hande by the hiltys hastely James grippes,And brawndeschet that brighte swerde and bere it awaye.And we, Sinn ande Ludwig, wondres of this werke,To Order there we hym ordaun, at ower Havoc daye,In hapynesse hie hence a goldene hawk."Adapted text from “The Parliament of the Thre Ages” from the 15th c., London Thornton Manuscript

"Rycht potent Baronage, of hielande blude,Unto thy Grace I traist it be weill knawinThe servyce done unto your Celsitude,Bie William MacDhòmhnaill thy servaunt.Quhilk sheill nocht at length shawin to be;For alwaye his sword scharpens thy BandeExcerst in servyce of their impruvement.But humilie I beseik thyne Excellence,With ornate termis thocht I can nocht expresThis sempyll mater, for laik of eloquence;Yit grant hem thy Golden Hawk at Highlande Havoc, AS LVIIIAn with hart and hand he schall serve thee better still. "
Adapted from Sir David Lynday’s Scots verse “The Dreme”

"The tireless spin of the wind through sails,And mills, and the shepherdess’ hair,Is percieved most when it’s no longer there:Ships sit in doldrums, grain stales, and the sunIn cloudless tyranny burns all and one.At Highland Havoc we noticed the breezeEmbodied in Lisbet, who service does please. On November 11th, in Year Fifty-Eight,We gave our Hart to a whirlwind, may it never abate. "
German knittelvers as used in the Eufemiavisorna, 14th c. Swedish romances


Japanese Gold Mica GouacheNoodler's Black (I no longer condone purchasing this ink)

Substrate Size

5" x 7"




Title :  Giardino de scrittori di Marc Antonio Rossi,... nel quale si vede il vero modo di scriver facilissimamente tutte le sorte di lettere...Author :  Rossi, Marc Antonio. Auteur du textePublisher :  appresso il proprio autore (In Roma)Publication date :  1598Relationship : :  italianRights  :  Public domainIdentifier :  ark:/12148/bpt6k1511548hSource  :  Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Arsenal, 4-S-3926 
