Bryce de Byram

King's Award of Excellence

at Gulf Wars, March A.S. LVII (57) 2023

Calligraphy & Illumination

Kolfinna ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


Ollam Lanea Inghean Uí ChiaragáinRoxbury MillAtlantia
What is service? Surely warfare with weapons surpasses counseling a King?  No, this is nobler work, and my counselor knows no rest.  His burden unbroken while the Crown graces my brow. What, then, is chivalry? Surely it is riding out to battle, bearing Royal banners?  No, true Chivalry is nobler, and no coward attempts it.Few reach its true honor and high renown.  Chivalry flowers not with Safety’s Cessation,  But with Humility’s transcendence. *
His Majesty Abran is minded to award Sir Bryce de Byram his King’s Award of Excellence, for his unwavering dedication and service of the highest order, ensuring that our Kingdom flourished during his reign.


Noodler's Black, Blue, Red InksDiamine Sherwood Green InkTom Norton Walnut Ink

Substrate Size



Early Gothic from exemplarLombardic CapitalsGothic Capitals - Primarily from Exemplar, supplemented with the Calligrapher's Bible for Capitals


Title: Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 016II: Matthew Paris OSB, Chronica maiora IIAlternate Title: Matthaei Paris Chronica Maiora IILanguage: Latin and French, Middle (ca. 1400-1600)Extent: ff. 5 + 281Dimensions: 358 Height (mm) and 244 Width (mm)Date: [ca. 1200 - 1299]88rSir William Marshal A 13th century CE illustration of the famous English knight Sir William Marshal (c. 1146-1219 CE) unseating Baldwin Guisnes. (From the Historia Major of Matthew Paris, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College Library, vol 2, 88r)  


dime for scale


"Make a double u"
"What's a double u?!"
"IDK man, just wing it."