Beatriz Aluares de la Oya

Court Barony

at Kingdom Arts & Sciences Festival, 11 March, A.S. LVII (57) 2023

Calligraphy & Illumination

Kolfinna ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


Ollam Lanea Inghean Uí ChiaragáinRoxbury MillAtlantia
Sound the horn, and call up our dear folkSo they may know the glory of her skill: Magistra Beatriz Aluares de la OyaDrapes our Crown in regal raiment fine. Sharing tales of Saint and Chevalier While her needle glimmers on its clever path. Thus we name her Baroness of our CourtAnd grant her all honors and privileges therein. Done this 4th day of March at Our Kingdom Arts and Sciences FestivalBy Atlantia’s Sovereigns, Abran King and Anya Queen.


Winsor & Newton GouacheFineTec Gold GouacheTom Norton's Walnut Ink

Substrate Size

11" x 14"


Rotunda and Italic from Exemplar


Image Exemplar Master of BecerrilSaint BarbaraCa. 1520Museo del Prado
Calligraphy ExemplarHistoria de España del arçobispo Don Rodrigo [Ms. 131]1545Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliográfico 

