Nyvein Bat Rav Adam

Coral Branch

at Kingdom Arts & Sciences Festival, 11 March, A.S. LVII (57) 2023

Calligraphy & Illumination

Kolfinna ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia

Wordcraft & Hebrew Translation

Baroness [Mistress] Ceridwen Ferch OwainDun CarriagAtlantia
As warp and weft bind together colors and patterns, so too do words weave together strands in the fabric of art and culture. Though we cannot return to life before the Tower of Babel created a confusion of languages, we can celebrate the art and service of one among us, a translator who by her craft releases a language that is under the spell of another, liberating the art imprisoned and mute in the re- creation of that work. Such an artisan is Nyvein Bat Rav Adam, whose Hebrew translations are deftly done and meticulously wrought. She not only re-unites words and art and poetry, but teaches those who would create the script therein of the components of the language, both in its written and visual forms. By these her actions Nyvein has distinguished herself in this particular art, science, and service, and We, Abran and Anya, recognize her with induction into the Order of the Coral Branch. Done by Our hand this 4th day of March, being the 11th day of the month of Adar, 5783 in the Hebrew calendar, AS 57 at Our Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival.


Noodler's Black InkNoodler's Red Ink

Substrate Size



Rashi Script


Exemplar: The Catalan Mahzorhttps://www.nli.org.il/en/discover/judaism/jewish-people-treasures/mahzor-catalonia And Lady Nyvein's Arms
