Lady Jill Dýravörður


at Our Tournament of Ymir, 18 February, A.S. LVII (57) 2023

Calligraphy & Illumination

Kolfinna ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


Ollam Lanea Inghean Uí ChiaragáinRoxbury MillAtlantia
Atlantia’s northern reaches hold a grist millThat turns with water’s pressure at the wheel, To grind our goodly grain into a fine mealTo fuel the farmer’s work and scrivener’s quill. And in the mill-lands dwells a clever teacherWhose art and knowledge wind through everythingFrom calligraphy to brewing, drawing, stitching, To tending each and every woodland creature. And thus we hold an opal up to sunlight, And offer it to Lady Jill DýravörðurAnd say she holds its fire within her insightAs the flaming stone does in its fey liqueur.This eighteenth day of the frozen month of YmirWe Abran King, and Anya Queen alightFrom dais regal, to thank our generous workerWhose kindness brightens all with its true light. 


SilverpointGolden Silverpoint Ground & Acrylic Paint for colorWhite: Bleedproof WhiteGray-Black: Winsor & Newton GouacheLiver of Sulpher: To tarnish the silverpoint

Substrate Size

10" x 8"


Kurrent - German Cursive


Dürer, Albrecht; Schilling, Edmund [Oth.]Niederländisches Reiseskizzenbuch 1520 - 1521 Written by: Durer, Albrecht   iTitle: Dutch travel sketchbook 1520 - 1521Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg,info 
Blue-green paper[3072]&showtype=record 
