Sir William of Bedford

Golden Dolphin

Backlog from Coronation of Abran and Anya, 1 October, A.S. LVII (57) 2022

Calligraphy & Illumination

Kolfinna ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


Ollam Lanea Inghean Uí ChiaragáinRoxbury MillAtlantia
No braver knight bestrides Atlantia’s bordersThan he of golden lions, flanking a cross.Sir William faces foes with head unbowedAnd bravely questions faults in those he loves–When ego mangles truth, his voice rings clear, His counsel buoyed by honest words, and just.So coax him from his hedge, this gold tressed guide,And thank him for the years of smiling toil. At list field, hearth side, and council bench he laborsTo raise Atlantia’s folk, whether base or royal. His shoulders bore the burden of our failings–Now let the light of triumph grace his brow. For human and beast testify to Billy’s kindness, And his rivals show the marks of sword-work swift.This goodly Knight has shown himself a servantTo the sea and land that form Atlantia’s realm.A golden dolphin named At autumn coronation  Abran King and Anya Queen Now sound the exaltation.
Done this first day of October, Anno Societatis 57
in the Crowns’ beloved homeland of Caer Mear.


BrassLiver of Sulfur

Substrate Size

8" x 8"

Source The Durham Cathedral Sanctuary Knocker
