Meisterin Kunigunde von Darmstadt

Pelican Promissory

at Holiday Faire in Our Barony of Stierbach, 19 November A.S. LVII (57) 2022

Calligraphy & Illumination

Kolfinna ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


Ollam Lanea Inghean Uí ChiaragáinRoxbury MillAtlantia
Winged Nike, harbinger of Victory,Fly to our shores and let sing your lyre,For we gather to praise your Beloved Lady Kunigunde von Darmstadt,Friend of heroes, host to a kingdom,Mistress of lists and recorder of glories. 
She who welcomes novice and knight with equal graceAnd tames all tourney quandaries with her quill,Shall be known across the world as a winged peer, For her vulning has been recognized by allWho tred her field or rest by her hearth. We shine bright glory on one we now call Meisterin, And let the whole fabric of darkness collapse away. 
Thus we elevate her to the Order of the Pelican, And secure her Letters Patent, to wit: Per chevron gules and Or, two acorns and a sea-lion counterchanged. So say we, Abran King and Anya Queen at our Holiday Faire, this 19th day of November, Anno Societatis LVII


Oak Gall ink created by Lord Þorgrímr kráka: 

Substrate Size

5" x 7"



Source Print (engraving) on paper, British Museum 1910,0212.309Print made by: Albrecht Dürer, German, 1503 Drawing in pen and brown ink on paperBritish Museum SL,5218.76Drawn by: Albrecht Dürer, German, 1515-1520 (circa) (circa)
