Lord Ishmael Stedfast Reed

Sea Stag

at Defending the Gate 26 March A.S. LVI (56) 2022

Portrait & Illumination

Kolfinna ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


Lady Talia de Morales
(mka Cindy Watkins)
So fierce the sea is in the tossing darkFor untried sailors’ soft and unsure hands,Who fumbling strive to steer that surging barqueWith canvas cloth and strength to shrouded land
When so newborn to deck’s rough heaves and rolls,Tis hard to find the way to walk aright, To shed the pace the landlocked body knows,And learn the foreign steps of seaman’s life. 
Tis why so blessèd is the seasoned saltThat has ever the full measure of galesWhose bounding stride does choose instead to haltTo steady those who are by winds assailed. 
For many may an able captain makeBut best is he who stops for lesson’s sake
No sorceror’s quick tricks this captain has,To make bold seagulls from a starling flock,To rapidly transmute an earthy form,And thereby make an egret from a duck.
But with due diligence and skill he may From cormorant a deadly osprey make, Those clumsy dives to highest pitch do raise, And tow’ring teach so they the sky may take.
Thus so does steel sing sweet upon the airWhen those who wield them come to know the wayTo bring their strength to their own slender bladesAnd of sure body’s grace an arrow make. 
There can on earth no better banner waveTo mastery than stoop of falcon brave
That moment is as fair Diana bids, When briny Neptune’s purple wine swells high To balance tall upon the crest a shipand show its natural worth to every eye.
Above horizon’s endless panoply Their majesties’ regard may also liftA few into a noble company, Sea Stags, who strive to teach a martial gift.
Fair Atlantia, your Sovereign Crowns, Bold Eckehard and fair Jane, do bless and seeAs such one Lord Ishmael Reed for his reknownIn tending to Minerva’s olive tree. 
For excellence alone contents him not.His joy lies in the skill of those he’s taught.
Lord Ishmeal Reed, Sea Stag We Name Him ForAt Defending the Gate, For All To SeeOn March Six and Twenty in Sudentorre,Year Fifty Six Of Our Society, 


11"x14" wood panelegg yolkgessoNoodler's Heart of Darkness inkWinsor & Newton Gouache


Bastard Secretary


Sir Philip Sidneyafter Unknown artistoil on canvas, 18th century or after, based on a work of circa 157645 3/8 in. x 32 3/8 in. (1152 mm x 823 mm)National Portrait Gallery, London 2096https://www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/portrait/mw05807/Sir-Philip-Sidney 
Sir Nicholas Throckmortonby Unknown Anglo-Netherlandish artistoil on panel, circa 1562National Portrait Gallery, London 3800https://www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/portrait/mw06339/Sir-Nicholas-Throckmorton  

Armada portrait (background)Queen's Presence Chamber in the Queen’s Househttps://www.rmg.co.uk/queens-house/attractions/armada-portrait-elizabeth-i 
