Sir Arnoddr i Ongulseyju

Design by Hláford Bran Mydwynter 

at Defending the Gate 26 March A.S. LVI (56) 2022


Hláford Bran MydwynterAtlantia

Calligraphy, Illumination, Transliteration

Kolfinna ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


Lady Anubh na PreachainAtlantia
Hail and hearken kin of clan and kingdomFame travels far of deeds this thegn has done. See:Stick-stung by quick-rained blows are foes lain low,Crow-fodder behind Arnoddr i Oenglesey.
At Bretland on wind-horse came this Íslendingur ages pastBested many, nested snug, built hilltop homeDug roots in resting-place, guards hearth and family steadfastYet hammers still on helms. 
Hord-weard sees what kensmen knew Pleased to raise and claim ring-keeper trueKing names this sword entwined to kingdom’s foldGlad blade of red in fray and mind’s-worth gold.
Atlantia on day of Gate’s DefenseGains much, as does Arnoddr. Hence White-girded walks this knight and peerBright-joined man and kingdom hold each the other dear.
Thus Eckehard Rex and Jane Regina do induct Arnoddr i Ongulseyju into the Order of Chivalry and secure him letters patent: Per saltire vert and purpure, a bordure Or. Done this 26th day of March, Anno Societatis LVI


Leather: gift of Ollam Lanea and Sir AlherinLeather paint

Substrate Size

14" x 20" leather


Swedish Runes Short Twig (after 900) from "Rað Rett Runar: Runes for Your Persona" handout by Mästarinna Ragnveig Snorradottir (Dr. Amanda Weimer)


Borre Artwork
