Baroness Nezhka Orshinaia


at Ymir 12 February A.S. LVI (56) 2022

Hlāford Bran Mydwynter provided some great feedback and ideas about the final design for this one. The pearl the dragon is sitting on is all Bran.

Calligraphy & Illumination

Kolfinna ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


Ollam Lanea Inghean Uí ChiaragáinRoxbury MillAtlantia
In Atlantia, as I do tell,There lives a dragon, fierce and fell,   Hearken all to what I shall now say:That fiend is of so great renownThat no one dare go near his town–   Steering at least seven miles away.The king called: “Baroness! Find the fiend!Go now and slay him with thy hand.    Defend our people from the grim affray!"She said, "I have talents greater,With grace and wit, I shall do better,   If I fail, the cruel beast may end my days."   She steeled her heart and away she rode–She cried her leave of Raven’s Cove.      “I shall return with my Muse’s aid; My promise is as pure as gold, Keep yourselves well, my aerie bold,     I must face the dread wyrm unafraid!”Forth she journeyed to the wyvern’s lair,And there she found his dealings, dire.    His victims strewn around the murky glade. She wept for grief, then called the beastTo listen to her song of peace.    Lilting sweet, our Nezhka sang and played.    The dragon, dumbstruck, quenched his fire,And turned to hear her strumming lyre    His anger quickly soothed by her choraleShe sang of grace and love and artAnd calmed that beast’s ferocious heart    Through melody and lyric he was enthralled.“Dragon, I will play and singIf you swear to serve our Queen and King.   If you will guard our borders, I shall be your Skald.”The Wyrm, so soothed, agreed to the pactAnd presented a gem to seal the act   Thus Baroness Nezhka shall shine when Pearls are called.
Done this 12th day of February AS LVI at Ymir by King Eckehard and Queen Jane
I, Triton Principal Herald, do attest that Nezhka does have sole rights to bear these Arms: Sable, a dragon's head couped and in chief three compass stars one and two argent.


11"x14" PergamenataWatercolor paint1/2mm Brause Bandzug calligraphy nib


Imperial Capitals
Bastard Secretary(ish) from Ductus


Image Exemplar Emblematic Alchemy in English verse, with an English version of the Visio mystica of Arnold of Villanova (Alternative Title: Ripley scroll)Arnaldus, de Villanova, d. 1311, Carpenter, Richard, d. 1670?, Ripley, George, d. 1490?circa 1570EnglandBeinecke Rare Book and Manuscript LibraryMellon MS 41
Helm Exemplar -43dd-98d8-900daced86faBourguignotte, France, vers 1590-1600Numéro d'inventaire:2018.0.174Autre numéro d'identification:Cote : H 254 ROB, Cote : H 129 PENLieu de création:France [750]
Emblazon Exemplar (photo from Master Eldred Ælfwald)From Oxford Guide to Heraldry by Woodcock & Robinson


