Lord Valdimárr Broddson


Design by Hláford Bran Mydwynter

at Ymir 12 February A.S. LVI (56) 2022

This project tested me. There were many materials that I tried that failed in concept, fidelity to idea, or that couldn't handle the small areas in the design. Bran did an INCREDIBLE job designing this, and came up with the idea to tool leather, which would maintains the texture seen under the garnets in the exemplar. Leather is a new-to-me medium, so I did a few practice runs with a pie-slice of the final design. They went well enough that I was confident the project would work, which was a HUGE relief at the time. The garnets and glass areas are filled with a mixture of paint and gloss medium in order to maintain the translucency of the original garnets, and the milky-opaqueness of the glass. 

I had a lot of guidance on this one for the leather tooling. Sir Alherin and Ollam Lanea not only purchased more leather than I needed, frames, and backing boards, they also purchased additional tools I might need in addition to the ones they already loaned me. I also had leather material and technique guidance from Hláford Bran Mydwynter, Baroness Nezhka Orshinaia and my good friend Erik Z(w)immerman. Baroness Nezhka also sent me a metal block to tool on!

At the last minute we decided to make an additional scroll, also designed by Hlāford Bran, so Lord Valdemárr could read Ollam Lanea's amazing words. We are all enablers here.

Finished Main Scroll

Finished Sidecar Scroll


Hláford Bran MydwynterAtlantia

Artwork & Transliteration

Kolfinna ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia
᚛ᚈᚆᚔᚄᚋᚐᚅᚄᚓᚈᚑᚒᚈᚃᚑᚏᚁᚐᚈᚈᚂᚓᚐᚈᚈᚆᚓᚇᚐᚃᚃᚅᚏᚔᚍᚔᚍᚆᚔᚋᚃᚑᚏᚈᚔᚃᚔᚓᚇᚐᚃᚃᚐᚂᚂᚑᚃᚄᚆᚔᚓᚂᚇᚄ᚜ ᚛ᚄᚐᚃᚐᚌᚓᚂᚍᚐᚈᚈᚐᚉᚉᚓᚇᚄᚓᚓᚉᚔᚍᚄᚂᚐᚒᚌᚆᚈᚓᚏᚄᚈᚑᚏᚋᚔᚍᚈᚆᚒᚅᚇᚓᚏᚔᚍᚈᚆᚓᚄᚑᚒᚅᚇᚑᚃᚈᚆᚓᚐᚄᚄᚐᚔᚂᚐᚅᚈᚄ᚜ ᚛ᚄᚈᚐᚂᚃᚃᚐᚏᚈᚐᚄᚈᚒᚈᚓᚄᚈᚏᚑᚍᚈᚆᚔᚄᚋᚐᚅᚃᚃᚔᚈᚆᚄᚈᚐᚁᚁᚔᚍᚄᚚᚕᚏᚐᚅᚇᚄᚂᚐᚄᚆᚔᚍᚄᚃᚃᚑᚏᚇᚐᚁᚑᚃᚓᚈᚆᚓᚁᚂᚑᚑᚇᚈᚔᚇᚓᚆᚓᚄᚂᚓᚃᚃᚈᚆᚓᚃᚑᚓ᚜ ᚛ᚃᚃᚐᚇᚔᚍᚔᚅᚄᚈᚏᚔᚃᚓᚁᚂᚑᚃᚃᚄᚏᚐᚔᚅᚔᚍᚑᚅᚆᚕᚇᚄᚔᚅᚈᚆᚓᚉᚑᚒᚏᚈᚈᚆᚓᚃᚃᚐᚏᚏᚔᚑᚏᚃᚃᚐᚄᚆᚒᚋᚁᚂᚓᚁᚓᚃᚑᚏᚓᚃᚐᚂᚇᚔᚋᚐᚏᚏᚁᚏᚑᚇᚇᚄᚑᚅᚌᚏᚕᚈᚐᚏᚋᚔᚓᚄᚌᚏᚑᚐᚅ᚜


Ollam Lanea Inghean Uí ChiaragáinRoxbury MillAtlantia
This man set out for battle at the dawn,Ringing him, fortified, a wall of shields.Savagely attacked, seeking slaughter,Storming, thundering, the sound of the assailants.Stalwart, astute, strong this manWith stabbing spear and slashing swordAbove the blood tide, he slew the foe.Wading in strife, blows raining on heads, In the court the warrior was humble,Before Valdimárr Broddson great armies groan.
Eckehard Rex and Jane ReginaCall him Kraken and grant him armsAs Ymir lays down his bones for us to stand onThis twelfth day of February, AS LV
Based on verse XIV, Y Gododdinhttps://www.gutenberg.org/files/9842/9842-h/9842-h.htm  
Ollam LaneaRoxbury MillAtlantia


Tooling leather purchased by Sir Alherin and Ollam LaneaCricut (for cutting)Leather working tools borrowed from Ollam LaneaLeather Sheen & Leathercraft Cement recommendation of Baroness Nezhka OrshinaiaGold Eco Flo leather paintGloss Medium mixed with watercolors (red and blue) and/or acrylics (white with a touch of watercolor for warmth)
Materials that didn't work for this project: Metals, wood, chipboard, matboard, plexiglass, resin, so many others.

Substrate Size

The final is a 10" circle




Artwork based on Kingston Brooch7th Century AD earlyOn display: World Museum, Level 3, Weston Discovery Centrehttps://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/artifact/kingston-brooch 


Hláford Bran MydwynterAtlantia

Calligraphy & Illumination

Kolfinna ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia

Text (same as main scroll)


5.5" x 8.5" PergamenataWinsor & Newton GouacheNoodler's Heart of Darkness black ink


Insular Majuscule


Barbarini GospelsShelfmark:Barb.lat.570Other Name: Barberini, Francesco, card., 1597-1679Title: Biblia. N.T. Evangelia. LatinoDate: sec. VIIIImages Copyright: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticanahttps://digi.vatlib.it/mss/detail/Barb.lat.570 https://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Barb.lat.570/0001  


Ductus from Barbarini Gospels