Baroness Una Redfox

Court Barony

11 December A.S. LVI (56) 2021

Calligraphy & Illumination

Kolfinna ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


Lord Ishmael ReedRoxbury MillAtlantia
Lady Una Redfox, by grace and by force did maintain her selfe and her people by Sea and Land, the space of many years past. It pleases Us to Grant unto Our said subject Baronage, and under Our most gracious hand of signet the free libertye during her lyfe to invade with sword and fire all Our enemyes whersoever they ar or shalbe without any interruption of any persone or persones whatsoever, and to fly noble Arms, to wit: gyronny argent and gules, a lymphad sable and a bordure Or. Done this 11th Day of December at the Yule Toy Tourney in Our Barony of Nottinghill Coill, in the year 2021, Anno Societatis 56.
Lang Pull the Draucht (a rowing song to the tune of “Pull Down Below”)
Ovvers now vnrack, ye gallands-- “”Take vp the slack, ye gallands-----“”Lie now abak, ye gallands ---------- “”
More in mude and more in maucht!An lang pull the draucht!

Out of thy bed, ye gallands --------- “”VVedthir’s ahead, ye gallands ----- “”Nothing to dread, ye gallands------ “”
More in mude and more in maucht!An lang pull the draucht!

Dig not the tips, ye gallands-------- “”Firmer the grips, ye gallands------- “”Bayr thee thy hips, ye gallands --- “”
More in mude and more in maucht!An lang pull the draucht!

Redfox she hayrs, ye gallands------“”It pleeses her ears, ye gallands---- “”Shore now anears, ye gallands---- “”
More in mude and more in maucht!An lang pull the draucht!


PergamenataIron Gall Ink by Greenman Calligraphy and Supply - Batch 20210108 with a little gum arabic addedNoodler's RedNoodler's BlueWatercolor Paint

Substrate Size



Gothic cursive (from ductus)


Anthony Roll (Henry VIII) 1546 1r
Part of the final Cadel:102r view 233 Title :  Giardino de ScrittoriAuthor :  Rossi, Marc Antonio. Auteur du textePublication date :  1598Relationship : Language :  ItalianProvenance :  Bibliothèque nationale de France

Ornaments, Cadels, Ductus
