Magistra Letia Thistelthueyt


3 November A.S. LVI (56) 2021Yes, I know the scroll says October. Thanks Titivillus.
Note: Titivillus is now in the lower left corner "stealing" November and MMXX (2020)

Calligraphy & Illumination

Kolfinna ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia

Wordifier & Purple Frame Painting

Master Aeron HarperRoxbury MillAtlantia
We Eckehard and Jane, King and Queen of Atlantia do agree with wise counsel, that Magistra Letia Thistelthueyt has for some time been displaying those attributes accustomed to be observed in companions of Our skilled and respected Order of excellence in the arts and sciences. Demonstration of superior talent at the arts of calligraphy and bookbinding and willingness to share knowledge thereof are notable and valued attributes. It has been remarked that this lady’s steps should be imitated; so that, We are further encouraged to recognize her as a Companion of Our Order of the Laurel. She shall agree to observe the statutes, laws, privileges and liberties of this noble Order, and not reveal its secrets. We also require that she will uphold the honour of Our kingdom, and will counsel the Crown in things lawful and honest. In return this Mistress of the Laurel shall have and possess, now and hereafter all honors, tokens, titles, burdens and privileges afforded to one of such station. Moreover we will and decree that these things made known on this 6th day of November Anno Societatis LVI in Our Barony of Dun Carraig be recorded by Our Heralds so that all may know of this worthy accomplishment.


Mix of Noodler's inks (Violet, Red, Blue) and Gouache - Purple InkNoodler's Black Ink

Substrate Size

11" x 14"




Prayer Book of Maximilian IDürer, AlbrechtCranach, Lucas1514-1515Augsburg, GermanyBSB shelfmark: 2 L.impr.membr. 64Bavarian State Library 




