Duke Anton Tremayne &
Duchess Luned of Snowden

Kingdom Thanks

26 June A.S. 56 2021

Calligraphy & Illumination

Kolfinna ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


Nezhka OrshinaiaAtlantia
In Atlantia fair, along the shining seaThe people rejoiced, ready for the coronationOf their new king and queenBut that most insidious of monstersThat foul and most treacherous of evilsBy name called “Plague.”Invaded the Known World, threw AtlantiaInto a time of darkness, a time of separationBut the darkness was pierced Like honed blade through leather armorPierced by the light of our king and queenOf names Anton and Luned.Crowned were they in isolation,But they gave not in to the solitude.They engaged in battle fierce. Swift-winged messages, weekly sent,Encouraged one and all. Though we could notIn person, turn to those outside our hall and hearth,Together Atlantians spoke across the darkness,Our hope and joy fed by these, our king and queen,Determined that our kingdom carry on, prevail.Deserving of praise and recognition were many.Thus Anton, Rex, Luned, Regina elevated worthy nobles Giving honor and award to those whoLike the narwhal dive deep, giving of the depths Of their efforts, to keep our kingdom strong.Bards and scribes alike kept hard at workTheir pens and words and voices raisedIn praise of our fair populace, our kin.Next did our royals two brave travels ‘crossTheir lands with all precaution they might takeVisiting many of their fair and faithful populace who Had endured the perennial, perversive PlagueThus long their reign and long their fightTime came for heirs and with them respiteThey turned to fighters thirteen in number, valiant allAnd from their ranks rose crosses three and flower of sunSo now upon this day they take their rest, well-earnedAnd with relief pass to their heirs the crowns,In knowledge that they fought faithfully and well.Thus it is with overflowing and grateful heart, though words Will never justice do to that which we so strongly feelDo we, Eckehard, Rex and Jane, Regina pronounce to bothGratias vobis agimus in aeternum.


Ollam Lanea Inghean Uí ChiaragáinRoxbury MillAtlantia


Tom Norton Walnut Ink10”x30” - Watercolor PaperSumi


12"x30" Cold Press Watercolor Paper


Early Gothic


Cantigas de Santa Maria, Manuscript F (códice de Florencia, Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale, MS b.r. 20)Alfonso X, re di Castiglia e di León (1221 - 1284)https://archive.org/details/b.-r.-20/page/n9/mode/2up 
