Hláford Bran Mydwynter

Coral Branch

5 June A.S. LVI 2021 at Storvik Novice

Calligraphy & Illumination

Kolfinna ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


You are the child of Art, Art the child of Design, Design born of Balance, itself twinned with Movement, Ever braided with Rhythm and PatternAll wrapped in line, color, and contrastInto the very weft of creation.  
The waves themselves called to us to recognize An artist among the streams of knowledge,At the confluence of wisdom, penning art for every eye,And teaching all who seek his Science-- Sparking secrets dwelling between candle and flame. 
Call him Hláford Bran MydwynterAnd set a Coral Branch above him, to mark his glory out to all Who hear his name or see his works. And award him arms so blazoned:
Per pale argent and sable, a tree blasted and eradicated and in chief two ravens respectant all counterchanged.Done this June 5, A.S. LVI at Storvik Novice So say Luned Rígain and Anton Rí
Ollam LaneaRoxbury MillAtlantia


Noodler’s Bulletproof BlackWinsor & Newton GouacheEgg GlairNeuberg-Ebel - Extra Brilliant Rich Pale Gold #9 - Metallic Powder2: 8.5”x 11” sheets of PergamenataHunt 102 crowquill nib

Substrate Size

2 - 8.5" x 11" Pergamenata


Insular Minuscule


The MacDurnan Gospels, circa 9th C CE, are penned in Irish miniscule similar to the hand in the Book of Armagh.  MacDurnan contains the four Gospels, sans prologue, written in Vulgate Latin. The book is quite small, roughly 16 cm by 11 cm, and thus considered a pocket gospel, which were prized in period both for personal use and evangelism.  The book contains an attribution to Abbot Máel Brigte mac Tornáin of Armagh (d. 927 CE), who either commissioned or created the book. The MacDurnan Gosples were then given to King Aethelstan of England, who in turn gave the volume to Christ Church, Canterbury.  The book is now in the collection at Lambeth Palace Library in London. 
The MacDurnan Gospels:  MS1370.  9th C, Ireland. London, Lambeth Palace Libraryhttps://images.lambethpalacelibrary.org.uk/luna/servlet/detail/LPLIBLPL~17~17~179191~126324?page=20&qvq=&mi=20&trs=458 

Ductus from Exemplar and Documentation for Bardic Wars

2021.06.05 - Coral Branch - Lord Bran Mydwynter

Illumination Exemplars

Left Page

Left page layout, beasts, portrait, interlaced beasts, and decorative elements - 6r (21)

Initial base and interlacing - 2r (13)

Key element - 171r (355)

Spiral Elements  - Page 6 of:

St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 51: Irish Evangelary from St. Gall (Quatuor evangelia) (http://www.e-codices.unifr.ch/en/list/one/csg/0051).

Bird Elements for Blazon - 45v

Book of Deer (MS Ii.6.32) http://cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk/view/MS-II-00006-00032/109 

Diapering from The Book of Kells, IE TCD MS 58


7v, 32v, 290v

Right page

layout from 2r (1


Initial interlacing, additional interlacing elements - 71r (15


Beast - 116r (24
