Lady Lucy of Wigan

Coral Branch

4 April A.S. 55 2021

Lady Lucy is a treasure, and Alias Ela really did her the justice she deserves with the incredible story AND poem she wrote. This is probably the most calligraphy I have done for one project, and it was such an honor to do. I can't imagine better text for this, or a more deserving recipient!

Calligraphy & Illumination

K ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


Hear, how midway in the journey of our lives,great merit and worth were discovered that we,King Anton and Queen Luned, must recognize.In Atlantia’s northern lands, fair and free, dwells Lucy of Wigan in Roxbury Mill, where with modesty she makes marvelouslyher diverse delights with dedicated skill. To list them all is a task most punishing she creates with fiber and food – and more still!Knitting and naalbinding, weaving and sewing – sparing time for a dance, for Lucy loves balls – then to the garden, as greens need gathering.Oft from her kitchen tempting fragrances call: desirable dishes waft deliciousness, while smooth libations sate all friends in her hallsHer subtlest arts remain; these are priceless: We exclaim her judgment, mirth, and courtesy, but the greatest of all her gifts is kindness.Now induct her into that high company of the Coral Branch! It is justly called for, and done by our hand and our Royal Decree,For Lucy we laud, adulate, and adore, in Anno Societatis Fifty-Five on April the Tenth at Valencia Court.
Hear, how midway in the journey of our lives, of that time when Lucy of Wigan was seized with a need to adventure, setting forth from the safety of her manor.In Atlantia’s northern lands, fair and free, Lucy set forth down the straight way into dark woods, until she came upon a leopard trapped in vines. Parched and near dead, it begged her to share her cordial, but Lucy knew a sip would not sustain the leopard – so she cut it free. It thanked her for her kindness, and she went onward. Soon she came to a lion weeping under a willow-tree. Once a prisoner, it had paid for its freedom with its mane. She could not bear its distress, so she sat—Knitting and naalbinding, weaving and sewing –with her diverse skills creating a new mane for the lion. Fastening the mane around the lion’s neck, she assured it of its handsomeness, with or without a mane. She left him gladly preening into a pond. As night grew closer, she came upon a starving wolf lying in the path. It whimpered pitifully, and Lucy was reminded of her own stomach rumbling whenOft from her kitchen tempting fragrances call,enticing her to taste the fine fare before it was finished. Kneeling, she offered a meat pie to the hungry wolf, who gladly took it. Soon it fell asleep, and she went onward. At last, she found herself in a grove where starlight reflected from every surface, for each leaf was of silver, bronze, and gold, and each branch of amber, diamond, and coral.“Her subtlest arts remain; these are priceless,”a sweet voice sang out; a luminescent figure stood in the middle of the grove. “You entered a forest, thick-crowded with troubles. Though you could have passed without a trace, you stopped for each creature that needed you, helping as you could.For Lucy we laud, adulate, and adore; A poet among poets would not have words to describe all you have done for those you have helped. You have done many works, with fiber, food, and flower.” The forest glowed gently around the figure, who plucked a twig of coral from a nearby tree. She extended it to Lucy, who knew then that the moon had come down to test and reward her. “But moreover, you were kind.”
Alias Ela (Lady Ealawynn Maeru)Roxbury MillAtlantia


Egg GlairWinsor & Newton GouacheIron Gall Ink by Greenman Calligraphy and Supply - Batch 20210108

Substrate Size

11" x 14"


Proto Gothic from source


Dante’s Inferno Manuscript - Folio 13r
