Sir Hákon Hábrók
17 April A.S. 55 2021I have the great fortune to be surrounded by incredibly generous and talented friends, and I would be remiss if I did not immediately and enormously thank Sir Alherin and Ollam Lanea for their huge amount of support on all of my projects, but this one in particular. They not only wandered the earth looking for supplies I could not find, and that Michaels only pretended to send to me, but they also fed me, and gave me advice and encouragement throughout this project.
The timeline for this was short, then was shortened again due to the fact that Sir Hákon and Lady Eleanor will be leaving us sooner than expected. I spent a few near-all-nighters to get this done, and sacrificed a few wood-burning tips to the gods, but she got done just in time to be carted off to the elevation by none other than Sir Alherin and Ollam Lanea.
Lanea also helped immensely with the selection, references, and exemplars of the Medieval Runes. She also knocked it out of the park with her poetry, as always.
I have to say, my favorite description of this project so far was Sir Bryce de Byrum when he commented that it was a "Viking Ken Dream House".
Calligraphy & Illumination
K ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantiaText
Who shields the thrones in weapon weather?Who counsels Crowns when wolf-sire schemes? The wisest wind themselves in WeorðmyndumAnd welcome wisdom-wielding HirðWho cut with pen and voice and bladeAnd sing the law and lore aloud. Hákon Hábrók hears the wave-songAnd turns to trek toward boreal land.Drape him in the Hirðman’s heavy oath,To murmur peace and bellow battleTo those who hold or break our troth; A warrior poet and sword-swinging sage Will keep vigil until gjallarhorn sounds.So we name him Knight of seagirt landsAnd bid him carry Atlantia’s honor on--His footsteps trailing salt through inland seas.Call him Knight and Peer for all his daysAs the Ravens call his blade-ale finest fare.
So we speak from Azure and Argent thronesThis 17th day of April, Anno Societatis LV At the hearth and homestead of Atlantia’s Stalwart crowns, Anton and Luned, Sovereign King and Queen.
Ollam Lanea verch Kerrigan
BasswoodDanish Oil - Dark Walnut, Medium WalnutColwood Wood BurnerWood Glue
20" x 19" x 6"Script
Medieval RunesSources
Borgund Stave ChurchAddress: Vindhellavegen 606, 6888 Borgund, Norwaybuilt sometime between 1180 and 1250 ADMaterial: Wood RunicusAM 28 8vo
c. 1300 cUniversity of Copenhagen