Lady Anastasiia Iosifova

Yew Bow

27 March A.S. LV at Defending the Gate and Baronial Investiture in Our Barony of Stierbach in the Canton of Sudentorre

Since creating this scroll, I have learned that the use of "hack-hands" (faux scripts) are offensive and misrepresent cultures. Because of this, I will no longer use hack hands in my scrolls, but I am preserving these images for a record of personal growth in both scribal and equitable practices.

Calligraphy & Illumination

K ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


"Anastasiia Iosifova theName associated with the Skill and great precision of herChosen weapon: this her bow andArrow true, with surety ofAim, dependability of Arm. Thus we, Anton and LunedGift our Yew Bow, Grant of Arms, thisMarch the Twenty-Seventh AS FiftyFive. Or a dolphin haurientSustaining a needle bendwise Inverted, azure a gore gules."
Baroness Nezhka Orshinaia


Noodler's Pecan InkWinsor & Newton Gouache

Substrate Size

11" x 14" Pergamenata

Completion Date

March 2021


Faux Cyrillic using "Russian" font


Icon. Miracle from the icon "Our Lady of the Sign" (Battle of the Novgorodians with the Suzdals). XV century, third quarter
