Lady Sara van Eerde

Baron's Award of Excellence (Stierbach)

27 March A.S. LV at Defending the Gate and Baronial Investiture in Our Barony of Stierbach in the Canton of Sudentorre

Calligraphy & Illumination

K ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


"What reward can there be for those who have given much, and still have much to offer? For all We have received, We can but offer our thanks, in the same spirit of excellence you continually demonstrate. Thus to I, Saphir, Baron of Stierbach, here declare “Plus laboris praemium recte factorum” and proclaim to all present that Sara van Eerde is well deserving of the Baron’s Award of Excellence. Done this day 27 March, AS LV at Defending the Gate and Baronial Investiture."
Lord Dunstan Stonehill


Winsor & Newton Gouache mixed with Egg GlairTom Norton's Walnut InkIron Gall Ink by Greenman Calligraphy and Supply - Batch 20210108

Substrate Size

11" x 8.5"

Completion Date

March 2021


Gothic Textura Quadrata from exemplar
Gothic Capitals
Lombardic Capitals


The Hours of Jeanne d'Evreux, Queen of Franceca. 1324–28
