Baroness Catalina
Riquel de Luna &
Baron Jean Maurice
le Marinier

Court Barony

6 March A.S. LV at Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival in Our Barony of Marinus

Both Baroness Catalina and Baron Jean have sea-creatures in their heraldry, and Baron Jean is a Navy veteran with the SCA surname "le Marinier", so I thought a map with fun little sea buddies to be only fitting for their GoA's and Court Baronies. It should also be noted that I fixed the "fleurs-de-lys" text after taking pictures.

Calligraphy & Illumination

K ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia

Text for Baroness Catalina Riquel de Luna

"On March the Sixth, A.S. Fifty-Five, we hearof service, strength, and grace at the edge of the seathat guided barony, people, and crown most diligently:the siren who sings of the rainbow over water.Her righteous voice shimmers in salty airfor many years, serving Marinus surely.Now is respite, reprieve, and relief from duty,but Anton and Luned, King and Queen, declare:“Catalina Riquel de Luna, your monarchs chooseyou as Baroness of Our Court. Now useand display with pride and privilege a coronet baronial.Grant also arms: ‘Or, four pallets gules,on a chief vert, three melusines argent.’ Thus ruledat Atlantian Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival.”
Alias ElaRoxbury MillAtlantia

Text for Baron Jean Maurice le Marinier

"Hear from Queen Luned and Anton the Kingof watery dangers, beauties, and beasts so bountifuland a sailor and warden steadfast, brave, and faithful.An excellent ship the Mariner was trusted with guiding.Now finished, deserved shore-leave is softly callingand he descends from ardent duty without proper label.Loathe are we to have him leave Our table,and thus his fervent service We must be rewarding.On the Sixth of March, A.S. Fifty-Five, decreeJean Maurice le Marinier “Baron,” and guaranteethe privilege to use and display a coronet baronialand grant him arms: “Purpure, a seahorse contournyBetween three fleurs-de-lys Or,: Thus we agreeat Atlantian Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival."
Alias ElaRoxbury MillAtlantia


Dr. Ph Martin Black Star Ink (because this is very waterproof and I knew I would be working very wet)Prang Watercolors
Winsor & Newton Gouache
FineTec gold

Substrate Sizes

Both are 8.5" x 11"

Completion Date

22 February 2021


Italic from exemplar


Ortelius, Abraham, Aegid. Coppenius Diesth, and Humphrey Llwyd. Theatrvm Orbis Terrarvm. Antverpiae: Apud Aegid. Coppenium Diesth, 1570. Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.
