Lady Úlfhildr Járnsaxa Svonudóttir


14 November 2020 at Leon Court at Castillo de Ponferrada

Calligraphy & Illumination

K ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


"When guests arrive, where shall they sit? Who shall greet them at long closed doors? Fire’s light is needed by visitors, Whose journey is hinderedBy sickness in the lands,Wind-scoured and wave-washed.
Úlfhildr Járnsaxa SvonudóttirOffered light and warmth to all comers,Artisan and student alike,Bearing up the people of Caer MearAnd thus Atlantia’s own thrones.
Courteous words, and courteous silence*Make Wit’s most faithful friend. Úlfhildr’s hospitality shines with the Opal’s own fire. Thus do we, Anton Rex and Luned ReginaName her Companion of the Order of the Opal
Done this Fourteenth of November, A.S. LV at Leon Court at Castillo Ponferrada"
Inspired by the HavamalOllam Lanea verch KerriganRoxbury MillAtlantia


WN GouacheNoodler's Heart of Darkness Black Ink
Sumi Ink

Substrate Size

8.5" x 11"

Completion Date

8 November 2020


Elder Futhark

Source; early 11th centuryOn Display: Museum of London: Medieval London Gallery: Viking London: Gravestones
