Sir Eckehard Thurn

Golden Dolphin

24 October 2020 at Castile Court at Alcazar de Segovia

I tried to include some personal touches of Sir Eckehard in his scroll, including some images of him, as well as a sunflower (his Lady), use of his arms, and beautiful text by Ollam Lanea verch Kerrigan.

Calligraphy & Illumination

K ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


"Every child of Atlantia, listen, as the very waves murmur acclaim for our keen-edged sword of the shore, Sir Eckehard Thurn. His eyes ever watchful for those in need of aid; his hands ever full of tools for work to better our lands or weapons for training those who would guard our borders; his arms always open to welcome friend and newcomer alike. As the wind carries the sound of our osprey’s calls, so Sir Eckehard carries water and wood across our kingdom. At once the noblest of servants and the humblest of knights, his love for Atlantia is as incorruptible as purest gold. And so, we command you in his honor--listen to the waves’ song and the wind’s cry, and call Sir Eckehard Thurn the newest companion of the Order of the Golden Dolphin. Let him bear the responsibility of this gilded mantle of service. So cry we, Luned Regina and Anton Rex, right and noble monarchs of the Azure and Argent Kingdom of Atlantia, this twenty-fourth day of October, Anno Societatis LV at Castile Court at Alcazar de Segovia"
Ollam Lanea verch KerriganRoxbury MillAtlantia


Winsor & Newton GouacheNoodler's Bulletproof Black inkNikko crow quill nibFinetec Arabic Gold

Substrate Size


Completion Date

17 October 2020


Ductus (below)


Bodleian Library MS. Bodl. 264fol. 20vOther titles: Romance of Alexander1338–1344FlandersFinished by the scribe in 1338 and by the illuminator, Jehan de Grise, in 1344.Bodleian Libraries
