Lady Muriel MacArtur

Iron Scribe "Expert" Category Winner for Calligraphy & Illumination and Maestra Livia's #laurelwars2020 January Exemplar


Backlog from 28 March 2015 at Tir-Y-Don Baronial Investiture and 40th Anniversary

On Saturday, February 16 Mestra Esperanza Susanna Flecha invited interested scribes to her home to do a test run of an "Iron Scribe" event. Scribes had 3 hours for Calligraphy, an hour break for lunch, and 3 hours for illumination to work on a backlog Opal assignment without arms.

I chose an exemplar from #LaurelWars2020 because why not double dip?

Ollam Lanea Verch Kerrigan and Alias Ela (Lady Elenor de La Rochelle)

This day was a joy! It was really great getting to hang out with other scribes, their +1's and Judges Mistress Aine and Meistrin Aime Sparrow.

15 total hours

Calligraphy & Illumination

K ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


Fires dwell in opals and light Our way! Such fire burns in Muriel MacArtur, so We, Michael & Seonaid, King and Queen of Atlantia, must induct her into our Order of the Opal.Given 3 March A.S.XLIX
Ollam Lanea Verch KerriganAlias Ela (Elenor de La Rochelle)Roxbury MillAtlantia


Parchment given to me by Mistress Faye de TreesWindsor & Newton GouacheGold Ink loaned to me by Baroness Bubba Blackhammer

Substrate Size


Assignment Date

16 February 2020

Completion Date

March 2020




Bible of Federico da Montefeltro 26vDimensions of the original were incredibly hard to find.According to Facsimile Finder's website "[The manuscript] differs from the usual codex in its size..." and specifies that this manuscript is "on parchment − 63 × 47 cm"


Photo by Meistin Amie Sparrow
Photo by Meistin Amie Sparrow

Choosing our names from a hat, and drawing circles.

How big is this circle again?

Finally got the text to fit after 45 minutes.

Bubba let me use her fancy gold ink. The blue is just gouache.

Time was up for the calligraphy portion. Thankfully, I had finished.

Shenanigans! Such a fun day.

I ended up tracing this design, because we had limited time. That still ended up taking the better part of an hour, and I had to hide under the table to see it at all. I noticed a lot of us started with blue. I think it's the most gratifying.

All of the gold dots were outlined in black, which I was not about to do, so I laid down black dots before going over them with gold. I also added the green leaves here.

Added Gold to the dolphins, vases, dots and one of the round text borders. Several of these I will paint yellow later, upon inspecting the manuscript more closely. I also added some detail to the top blue dolphin, because I felt like I needed to s how SOME modeling. This is as far as I got in the 3 hours given to us on Illumination. So, 6 hours total of work. This does not include substrate prep, text writing (by my lovelies), or exemplar research.

End of Iron Scribe

Begin Working at Home

Green (forgot one, oops!)

Red and that last green bit


Adding detail to yellow, gold, and blue