Lord Zacharia di Montoggio

Coral Branch

Backlog Given at Spring Crown Tournament 4 May 2019

Calligraphy & Illumination

K ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


"We, König Christoph and Königin Adelhait, are enriched by the wonders of Atlantian Artisans; vigorously we raise a cup to their skill. When a new brewer’s talents overflow to the benefit of all around him, a true Konig and Konigin must recognize it. We do draught Zachariah di Montoggio into our Order of the Coral Branch, with an outpouring of Atlantian pride.
Done this fourth day of May Anno Societatis LIV at Our Spring Crown Tournament."
Written byLord Haakon BrimillPonte AltoAtlantia
Edited byLord Ishmael ReedRoxbury MillAtlantia


Manuscript Fountain Pen, fine nib, & Ink for CalligraphyNatural color 8.5"x11" Pergamenata

Paper Size

8.5" x 11"

Assignment Date

4 May 2019

Completion Date

## January 2020


Early GothicGothic Capitals

Source Image

Cuttings from a Latin prose treatise on the Seven Vices Origin Italy, N. W. (Genoa) - Gluttonyhttps://www.bl.uk/catalogues/illuminatedmanuscripts/record.asp?CollID=27&MSID=8334&NStart=27695

Author: Cocharelli Title: Cuttings from a Latin prose treatise on the Seven Vices Origin Italy, N. W. (Genoa)Date: c. 1330 - c. 1340 Language: Latin Script: Gothic Artists: Master of the Cocharelli Codex (active in Genoa, ca. 1330)
